Открылся 17 окт
General Information
Started 2007-10-17
Running days 0
Current server day Wednesday
Current server date 2007-10-17
Current server time 06:35:16am
Total of unique hits 81
Yesterday's unique hits 0
Today's unique hits 81
Last site update 2007-10-17
Average traffic speed* 3
Unanswered mail**
Real-time Statistics
Total accounts 17
Active accounts 6
Total deposits 8
Total deposited $35.00
Total payouts $0.00
Today new accounts 17
Today new deposits 8
Today deposited $35.00
Today's payouts 0
Today's payouts amount $0.00
Total pending payouts* 0
Total pending amount* 0.00
Смотрится очень неплохо
1. Multiple deposits plans. Multiple payments systems.
2. Secured access to your personal Invest4FastProfit account (SSL connection).
3. Secured and licensed web-site script X-HYIP v1.5 (Licensed Edition), License #451SW-2007.
Added Deposit amount, US$ Daily profit, % Duration, day(s) Total profit*, %
1 - 1$ 110.00 % 1 день 110 %
Added Deposit amount, US$ Daily profit, % Duration, day(s) Total profit*, %
1 - 1000$ 55.00% 2дня 110 %
Added Deposit amount, US$ Daily profit, % Duration, day(s) Total profit*, %
5 - 1000$ 40.00% 3дня 120%
Мой вклад 10 баксов на 3х дневный план
Total deposited : US$10.00
Total payouts : US$0.00