Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Свой бизнес
Регистрация: 14.12.2010
Сообщений: 53
Благодарностей: 8
Re: MLM Клуб Астерия - club-asteria.com
прямым текстом написала вопрос в поддержку, как долго Астерия будет существовать, так как ходят слухи о том, что это пирамида и скоро закроется. вот какой ответ получила
A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #923937 with the following response:
Thank you so much for your inquiry. We greatly appreciate every question, comment or suggestion from our members. It was so nice of you to spend the time to reach out to us. We are very proud of what we are doing here at Club-Asteria. In just a short time our membership is growing dramatically. Individuals from all over the world are joining our mission to help our members become financially strong and to assist world populations in living a better life.
At Club-Asteria our main focus is providing excellent products and services that can be utilized by our membership and additionally marketed on the Internet by our members to earn extra income. Many of these products are exclusive to Club-Asteria.
Our members' earnings in Club-Asteria come from their direct activities, such as recommending new members, utilizing our products and services, earning commissions by marketing our products, and sharing in the revenues generated by Club-Asteria through the sale of our products online. The more new paid members they recruit the greater will be their monthly earnings. Every active Silver and Gold member participates in our weekly commission payout where we distribute 30% of our earnings during the prior week to our members based on our Asterio reward program. The more Asterios our members have the greater will be their share of this weekly commission – however, our members must earn their Asterios by referring other members and/or purchase our programs, products and services. We pay the highest rewards possible to our members so that they can thrive financially, as truly Club Asteria is Your Gateway to a Brighter Future!
The position of Network Director is reserved for members who love our mission statement and what we stand for and want to help us make a positive difference in the world. Any member can become a Network Director by paying the licensing fee as outlined on our website, however, with that comes the responsibility of actively participating in marketing our Club to others, so that Club Asteria becomes a strong and driving force where collectively we can effect a positive change in the world. Please understand that our Club does not seek passive investments, i.e. members who are not willing to contribute to the growth and purposes of Club-Asteria.
Please feel free to get back to us with anything we could possible help you with.
We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.
точного ответа так никто и не дал. никаких сроков)