Re: MLM Клуб Астерия -
Сообщение от Vadim Kazanskiy CDT
кто то может посчитать средний процент с 1 октября по 1 марта ? что бы я понял где своё счастье потерял.
я вам напишу проценты, сами посчитайте. мало времени
с 1отября по 21 января процент был 7%
28.01.11 - 6,24%
04.02.11 - 6,24%
11.02.11 - 6,48%
18.02.11 - 3%
25.02.11 - не помню где-то между 4 - 6%
04.03.11 - 5,48%
11.03.11 - 3,1%
добавлено через 17 минут
Выкладываю письмо от тети Лукас. Мой вопрос был когда отменят бонус 100%. Ответ был что до конца марта точно будет, а дальше ещё не определились.
Кому интересно выкладываю всё письмо.
Dear Andrew,
At this time the matching bonus will continue throughout the month of March. We have not yet decided on whether or not to continue it another month.
I do not understand your second question, but since I believe it has something to do with revenue sharing, let me explain this to you:
At Club-Asteria our main focus is providing excellent products and services that can be utilized by our membership and additionally marketed on the Internet by our members to earn extra income. Many of these products are exclusive to Club-Asteria.
Our members' earnings in Club-Asteria come from their direct activities, such as recommending new members, utilizing our products and services, earning commissions by marketing our products, and sharing in the revenues generated by Club-Asteria through the sale of our products online. The more new paid members they recruit the greater will be their monthly earnings. Every active Silver and Gold member participates in our weekly commission payout where we distribute 30% of our earnings during the prior week to our members based on our Asterio reward program. The more Asterios our members have the greater will be their share of this weekly commission – however, our members must earn their Asterios by referring other members and/or purchase our programs, products and services. We pay the highest rewards possible to our members so that they can thrive financially, as truly Club Asteria is Your Gateway to a Brighter Future!
If the members purchased fewer products, programs and Asterios during the prior week, the revenue to be shared with the members will be less and therefore the amount each member receives will be less. And on the contrary, as members purchase more, there will be more revenue available to be shared and that would increase the amount each member receives. There is never a guarantee of the amount/percentage each member will receive. However, there is a MAXIMUM of 10% of our members’ Asterio balances that we will pay out per week in revenue sharing. It seems to me that whoever introduced you to our revenue sharing program led you to believe that you could expect this payout every week. This is a misrepresentation of the facts and any member caught disseminating such information on purpose in order to recruit more members, will be terminated.
When some members say they worry about the revenue sharing percentage, let me ask this: do you realize that a 3% weekly revenue share income equates an annual percentage of 156%? What bank or financial institution will give you this return? Club Asteria is not a financial institution, you do not invest in our Club and we do not pay interest on your money, yet we easily outperform all such financial institutions with our generous revenue sharing program. Even if the weekly percentage goes down to 1%, your annual percentage would be 52%. Think about that please!
Another point to consider is this: without the active participation by our members in Club Asteria, by purchasing our programs, products and services, there would be no revenue to be shared with our members. How have you participated this week? Have you and has your downline purchased programs, products and services from your Club to support it?
I hope this explains the situation. Please feel free to get back to us with anything we could possible help you with.
Andrea Lucas
Managing Director