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05:44 12.09.18 FXCAPMARKETS Sent Payment 50.00 USD to account U18982742. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Пополнение счета через PerfectMoney пользователем SergNP на 50.00 USD. Payment ID: 181
13.09.18 06:55 Received Payment 0.7 USD from account U18982742 to account U157***. Batch: 228177412. Memo: API Payment. Выплата с проекта FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.
Выплатка 6/2009.13.18 08:19 Received Payment 0.37 USD from account U18982742 to account U6хххBatch: 228184786. Memo: API Payment. Выплата с проекта FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.
The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U18982742->U1991047.
Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS..
Date: 09:03 13.09.18.
Batch: 228188562.
14:23 13.09.18 Receive 228225115 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +6.5 Received Payment 6.5 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536845564
The amount of 0.6 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18982742->U1651590. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.. Date: 17:41 13.09.18. Batch: 228248814.
16:15 13.09.18 Receive 228238697 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +3.55 Received Payment 3.55 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Выплата с проекта FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536852319
18:14 13.09.18 Receive 228251954 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +5.00 Received Payment 5.00 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536859455
16:48 13.09.18 Receive 228242632 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +2.5 Received Payment 2.5 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536854244
09.13.18 21:38 Sent Payment: 25.00 USD to account U18982742 from U143***. Batch: 228268905. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Replenishment of an account through PerfectMoney user vikerdinas on 25.00 USD. Payment ID: 247
14.09.18 05:45 Received Payment 0.7 USD from account U18982742 to account U157***. Batch: 228292673. Memo: API Payment. Выплата с проекта FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.
The amount of 31 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U14....-U18982742. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Пополнение счета через PerfectMoney пользователем на 31.00 USD.. Date: 18:15 13.09.18. Batch: 228251985.
Инстант09.14.18 08:30 Received Payment 0.37 USD from account U18982742 to account U6ххх Batch: 228306926. Memo: API Payment. Выплата с проекта FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.
Выплата депозита - инстант!
Received Payment 31.17 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536912836
04:15 14.09.18 Receive 228286328 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +2.5 Received Payment 2.5 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536895488
14:28 14.09.18 Receive 228343222 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +6.00 Received Payment 6.00 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536932275
First instant payment receive and project moved to PAYING
The amount of 7 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U15029318->U15483553.
Memo: API Payment. Withdraw funds Traders-Alliance.com noprobs ID 271931..
Date: 17:26 14.09.18.
Batch: 228363288.
The amount of 0.6 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18982742->U1651590. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS.. Date: 17:45 14.09.18. Batch: 228365718.
19:13 13.09.18 Receive 228257036 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +17.5 Received Payment 17.5 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536862967
20:32 13.09.18 Receive 228263565 U18982742
FXCAPMARKETS +5.00 Received Payment 5.00 USD from account U18982742. Memo: API Payment. Keep up the good work FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS. Payment ID: 1536867710