Blue Spot LTD -
A deposit of 0.00470800 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 3QChPm2ytkzPp4V4quiNohYPbQM6uTQhKi with transaction ID c67c29e79f53762bca362e1c5b2cbe73c3ee4ca6f641e56d16 add9b89fbb8dca.
A deposit of 0.00368800 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 3QChPm2ytkzPp4V4quiNohYPbQM6uTQhKi with transaction ID e0472e8fa9e738025fa8dab5661b05d18f022675bf542c1e34 e1ab64dbdfb053.
A deposit of 0.00368800 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 3QChPm2ytkzPp4V4quiNohYPbQM6uTQhKi with transaction ID c8122ac407fb9d14eb3abe938d7f4066723575602c91835e57 fd949869f9c562.
A deposit of 0.00368800 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 3QChPm2ytkzPp4V4quiNohYPbQM6uTQhKi with transaction ID 312ff190e8169b0f9db05536b0350219db6f66b00479a4f4b6 b80e35d31d5d02