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4877ea1d8686d23884785b321966bc29f298202d47174948f0 c57e17e3f65ef5
$5.21 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: 4877ea1d8686d23884785b321966bc29f298202d47174948f0 c57e17e3f65ef5.
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b526950f1a40e0651676017c3a94dc39ff56725cc9df047b8c c59f2adcceaed1
$5.20 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: b526950f1a40e0651676017c3a94dc39ff56725cc9df047b8c c59f2adcceaed1.
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a1ed7847edfe7093902c8ddd6fa6e9bf4b3496813e9c565072 073ec2246c7689
$5.21 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: a1ed7847edfe7093902c8ddd6fa6e9bf4b3496813e9c565072 073ec2246c7689.
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88199a3685dfb4cdefbd2050b5c791e1720bb7844cbb4c2e17 dabffb1be9e7bc
$5.20 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: 88199a3685dfb4cdefbd2050b5c791e1720bb7844cbb4c2e17 dabffb1be9e7bc.
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39d84f0a81311750265c55ff9a15009e1de18f1b3cd0a53bed ee0573ed8403b6
$5.21 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: 39d84f0a81311750265c55ff9a15009e1de18f1b3cd0a53bed ee0573ed8403b6.
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b2346f6569226ab16eb986a34c29c713c0ad8e71e5274b3a4a d0e247cd163616
$5.20 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: b2346f6569226ab16eb986a34c29c713c0ad8e71e5274b3a4a d0e247cd163616.
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cfdb35fe10afd9e327ea5f12fece4e94725b4af24514810325 cd1ed8e1b3471a
$5.21 has been successfully sent to your Bitcoin address 18y***U1X.
Transaction: cfdb35fe10afd9e327ea5f12fece4e94725b4af24514810325 cd1ed8e1b3471a.
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