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The amount of 72.1 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U17116930->U1991047.
Memo: API Payment. user_id336a72.10000000..
Date: 15:05 01.08.18.
Batch: 223189237.
The amount of 7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U. Memo: API Payment. user_id3280a7.00000000.. Date: 21:58 01.08.18. Batch: 223227175.
01.08.18 20:58 Receive Received Payment 1.4 USD from account U17116930 to account U1*******. Batch: 223223662. Memo: API Payment. user_id265a1.40000000.
The amount of 2.87 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U17116930->U421****. Memo: API Payment.
user_id266a2.87000000.. Date: 10:25 02.08.18. Batch: 223280895.
The amount of 1.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U870***. Memo: API Payment. user_id870a1.40000000.. Date: 10:13 02.08.18. Batch: 223279243.
02.08.18 09:29 Receive Received Payment 3.5 USD from account U17116930 to account U5505***. Batch: 223274190. Memo: API Payment. user_id255a3.50000000.
02.08.18 10:20 Receive
Received Payment 1.1 USD from account U17116930 to account U14....... Batch: 223280110. Memo: API Payment. user_id215a1.10000000.
D транзакции
Дата время Тип перевода Статус
02.08.2018 19:00 Перевод внутри системы Выполнен
От [email protected]
Сумма Комиссия
+6.93 USD
The amount of 1.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U1947***. Memo: API Payment. user_id8432a1.40000000.. Date: 10:23 02.08.18. Batch: 223280657.
2.08.18 10:12 Receive Received Payment 2.1 USD from account U17116930 to account U15902952. Batch: 223279157. Memo: API Payment. user_id267a2.10000000
02.08.18 11:28 Receive Received Payment 1.4 USD from account U17116930 to account U1213****. Batch: 223289413. Memo: API Payment. user_id294a1.40000000.