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The amount of 2.45 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->. Memo: API Payment. user_id242a2.45000000.. Date: 19:09 19.07.18. Batch: 221594794.
19.07.18 16:36 Receive Received Payment 5.5 USD from account U17116930 to account U19ххххх. Batch: 221582199. Memo: API Payment. user_id153a5.50000000.
19.07.18 19:44 Receive Received Payment 1.05 USD from account U17116930 to account U31ххххх. Batch: 221597195. Memo: API Payment. user_id423a1.05000000.
The amount of 7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U133****. Memo: API Payment. user_id1323a7.00000000.. Date: 19:12 19.07.18. Batch: 221595004.
The amount of 3.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U1402***. Memo: API Payment. user_id4956a3.50000000.. Date: 20:21 19.07.18. Batch: 221599776.
The amount of 7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U991****. Memo: API Payment. user_id1452a7.00000000.. Date: 20:22 19.07.18. Batch: 221599847.
The amount of 7 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U145*****. Memo: API Payment. user_id1104a7.00000000.. Date: 20:42 19.07.18. Batch: 221601034.
The amount of 14 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U169.... Memo: API Payment. user_id162a14.00000000.. Date: 16:23 19.07.18. Batch: 221581031