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The amount of 21 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U14***. Memo: API Payment. user_id16399a21.00000000.. Date: 22:10 30.08.18. Batch: 226381504.
The amount of 2.1 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U6430950. Memo: API Payment. user_id18542a2.10000000.. Date: 05:41 30.08.18. Batch: 226290666.
The amount of 1.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U1729****. Memo: API Payment. user_id6419a1.40000000.. Date: 11:17 30.08.18. Batch: 226319288
30.08.18 20:13 Receive Received Payment 21.00 USD from account U17116930 to account U14997830. Batch: 226372304. Memo: API Payment. user_id115a21.00000000.
The amount of 1.54 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930-U120..... Memo: API Payment. user_id15994a1.54000000.. Date: 06:39 31.08.18. Batch: 226400877.
************************************************** ************************************************** ***********
The amount of 3.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U15******. Memo: API Payment. user_id15687a3.50000000.. Date: 05:51 31.08.18. Batch: 226398243
31.08.18 07:16 Receive Received Payment 4.9 USD from account U17116930 to account U5505***. Batch: 226403934. Memo: API Payment. user_id255a4.90000000.
Быстрая выплата
The amount of 2.1 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U1246****. Memo: API Payment. user_id11825a2.10000000.. Date: 07:35 31.08.18. Batch: 226404939.
30.08.18 20:09 Receive Received Payment 5.25 USD from account U17116930 to account U15503311. Batch: 226371902. Memo: API Payment. user_id13745a5.25000000.