Компания платит! Как обычно все выплаты получены во время! Спасибо проекту!
08.29.18 17:06 Account Receive +1.4 Received Payment 1.4 USD from account U17116930 to account U12206190. Batch: 226245778. Memo: API Payment. user_id411a1.40000000.
08.29.18 10:31 Account Receive +1.33 Received Payment 1.33 USD from account U17116930 to account U12206190. Batch: 226207654. Memo: API Payment. user_id411a1.33000000.
08.29.18 07:04 Account Receive +1.4 Received Payment 1.4 USD from account U17116930 to account U12206190. Batch: 226190995. Memo: API Payment. user_id411a1.40000000.