+ 21.19 USD
Date: 21.08.2018 00:54:44
ID: 631128498
Details: P1000074945 → P35002769
Amount: 21.19 USD
+ 76.96 USD
Date: 21.08.2018 11:56:45
ID: 631343623
Details: P1000074945 → P35002769
Amount: 76.96 USD
+ 16.05 USD
Date: 21.08.2018 20:12:47
ID: 631621566
Details: P1000074945 → P35002769
Amount: 16.05 USD
The amount of 5.8 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U6977456. Memo: API Payment. user_id130a5.80000000.. Date: 22:46 20.08.18. Batch: 225343028.
The amount of 54 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17116930->U6977456. Memo: API Payment. user_id130a54.00000000.. Date: 17:23 21.08.18. Batch: 225427040.