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Старый 18.07.2008, 21:11
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: C:\Russia
Регистрация: 05.02.2007
Сообщений: 2,414
Благодарностей: 294
C робкой надеждой:
Hello everyone!!

Hope your week is going very well. We are approaching the time where cashouts will begin for the first people that purchased upgrades after we took over the site. This should go smoothly and without a hitch.

I did want to thank the supporters of 14 Days. I know, that many of you frequent the slime pits and the swamps and hear alot of negative in those places....and really that is unfortunate for you. I have said over and over again, not to frequent those places. Alot of the people that are bashing me and 14 Days, really havent got a clue about life, themselves or me. They are what I call "clueless cowards."

Anyway, on with the update. We are sifting through every account in the system, and there are alot of them. If your account gets suspended, you will need to send us an explanation of why you think it got suspended, and we will deal with you accordingly. There are alot of cheaters in this program that came from the last admins reign. Just proves to me how much greed plays a part in this industry.

We are still working through things and fine tuning things. There will always be glitches, but patience is a must. We will get up to full steam soon.

Let me end by saying this. I have asked myself a number of times over the past few weeks.... "why did you take over 14 Days Hits...?" It is a question that has run through my mind a few times. :biggrin: I know why I did it, and I know where we are taking 14 Days Hits. I know what the potential is for this site and the good members in it.

But there are still a group of slimers that for whatever reason are intent on hurting me, my family, my sites and anything else they can get a hold of. It really amazes me how vile some of the people in this industry are. Believe it or not, I am one of the good guys in this mess of nastiness, but the slime pits dont agree.

In fact it seems that the good guys are the ones that get slammed the hardest, and the bad guys are the ones that people seem to cozy up to. But bash away. And if you are a basher, and actually have the courage...send me your user name in 14 Days. Probably wont see many of those. See its easy to hide behind the screen, and no one know who you are, but its a whole other thing to tell people who you are. I can tell you who most of you slimers are...COWARDS!!!

With that, let me line things out for the loyal members of 14 Days. This is a long process. Refunds will happen, and in the order I choose them to happen. 14 Days will be here for a very long time to come, and we will be stronger then ever before. We will weed out the idiots, we will delete accounts, but we will make 14 Days a great great site for a very very long time....end of subject!!

Hope you like the new design and script. That is just the beginning. Remember, the only forum where updates will be posted for 14 Days is My Cash Forum. I refuse to post anywhere else, and let 14 Days be drug through the mud. I know people will copy the updates and things, but that just proves to me that MCF is the right place, and the place where there is no slime allowed.

Have a great weekend everyone! I had a good friend of mine die this week, so I am dealing with that. So please be a little patient with me and my staff. We are doing what we can, and what needs to be done.

Take care everyone!!


MCF Admin
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