Ответ: Mysolidinv - mysolidinv.com
Сразу не заметил:
**Please don't request withdrawals on other payment processors or accounts then the ones used to invest with us. We don't do exchanges. We manually verify any withdrawal request and we will return to account balance any request made on other payment processor then the one used to invest.
Any member that got refund in account should understand that this happened because they didn't request the withdrawal on the same payment processor used to invest. You just make us work more and slow us down by doing this. Also please put the right account number in the details of your request so that we don't have to keep searching your right accounts number on payment processors to be able to pay you.
Так вот, выводить деньги нужно в ту же платежку, с которой и инвестировали. Иначе, Ваша заявка аннулируется.
Пишу это потому, что уже были подобные проблемы.
добавлено через 4 часа 7 минут
Date : 2009-21-11 10:43:39
From/To Account : U6231182 (MySolidInv SUARL)
Amount : 1.1700
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 23168392
Memo : MySolidInv SUARL Payout.
Спасибо админ!