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The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U34***79. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4044, Alexomsk.. Date: 06:49 15.06.16. Batch: 136715163.
The amount of 4.4 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U9116253. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3732, hyipstat_me.. Date: 12:38 14.06.16. Batch: 136636406.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U9116253. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3785, hyipstat_me.. Date: 15:19 14.06.16. Batch: 136651085.
The amount of 11 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U9116253. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3923, hyipstat_me.. Date: 20:22 14.06.16. Batch: 136684376.
The amount of 2.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U813****. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4114, Yura.. Date: 11:35 15.06.16. Batch: 136736802.
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U34***79. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4136, Alexomsk.. Date: 12:36 15.06.16. Batch: 136742507.
The amount of 3.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U208... Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4221, Andrey16.. Date: 15:46 15.06.16. Batch: 136759344.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11007577->U34***79. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4259, Alexomsk.. Date: 17:18 15.06.16. Batch: 136768081.
The amount of 2.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account.
Accounts: U11007577->U14*****.
Memo: API Payment. Invoice 4286, vellvlad..
Date: 18:03 15.06.16. Batch: 136772068.
Вы получили 0.00242 BTC ($ 1.67)
Стоимость на момент осуществления транзакции $ 1.67
Hash 652e3409d580ed0907dcb587a...
Время передачи 2016-06-15 16:41:35 (+5 минут для подтверждения)
06.14.16 23:14 Account Receive +10.00 Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U11007577 to account U4731311. Batch: 136697728. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 3978, monitorinvestnet. Bit Pulse