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The amount of 0.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U842хххх. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15491, Kaffka.. Date: 19:48 13.07.16. Batch: 139670341.
The amount of 2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15683, Thuman3000.. Date: 23:24 13.07.16. Batch: 139685718.
The amount of 0.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->UХХХХХХ. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15783, nlilin.. Date: 05:19 14.07.16. Batch: 139697669
The amount of 0.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U1001***. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15850, Wolfdinet.. Date: 07:43 14.07.16. Batch: 139706091.
The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U352**. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15576, Mari.. Date: 21:03 13.07.16. Batch: 139676770.
The amount of 1.5 USD
has been deposited to your Perfect Money account.
Memo: API Payment. Invoice 16060, swiss..
Date: 11:39 14.07.16. Batch: 139729042.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U7979***. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 16100, Amarillion.. Date: 12:22 14.07.16. Batch: 139733318.
Очередной инстант Благодарю, админ
07.14.16 11:51 Received Payment 6.36 USD from account U11985055 to account U31////. Batch: 139730146. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 16074, mistyk894.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U8236753. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15726, sjgc1975.. Date: 02:44 14.07.16. Batch: 139692854.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U9116253. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15857, hyipstat_me.. Date: 07:48 14.07.16. Batch: 139706505.
The amount of 6 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11985055->U9116253. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 15950, hyipstat_me.. Date: 09:38 14.07.16. Batch: 139717067.