Стабильные выплаты. Как всегда инстант:
Date: 16.06.2016 17:53:50
ID: 199023262
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 28.71 $
Comment: User mmaker
Date: 16.06.2016 21:39:52
ID: 199126162
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 13.70 $
Comment: User mmaker
Date: 17.06.2016 10:51:07
ID: 199309792
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 14.87 $
Comment: User mmaker
Date: 17.06.2016 19:09:18
ID: 199512719
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 11.65 $
Comment: User mmaker
Date: 18.06.2016 03:02:01
ID: 199649286
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 33.31 $
Comment: User mmaker
Date: 18.06.2016 12:33:00
ID: 199773227
Details: P34891468 → P375xxxx
Amount: 11.88 $
Comment: User mmaker
The amount of 20.17 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10696275->U118xxxx. Memo: API Payment. User mmaker.. Date: 20:08 16.06.16. Batch: 136886635.
The amount of 8.13 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10696275->U118xxxx. Memo: API Payment. User mmaker.. Date: 09:19 17.06.16. Batch: 136926965.
The amount of 5.16 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10696275->U118xxxx. Memo: API Payment. User mmaker.. Date: 17:37 17.06.16. Batch: 136971953.
The amount of 18 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10696275->U118xxxx. Memo: API Payment. User mmaker.. Date: 11:01 18.06.16. Batch: 137027414.