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Старый 12.05.2016, 10:33
Регистрация: 14.01.2016
Сообщений: 156
Благодарностей: 28 - SmartCoin

Выплата получена спасибо: 11.05.16 +1.00 USD от счета U10673848. Памятка: Оплата по API. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_vitak. Идентификатор платежа: 79
masha98 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 10:54
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Интернет
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 19.11.2007
Сообщений: 70,746
Благодарностей: 5,734

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU - SmartCoin

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:32 11.05.16. Batch: 132788561.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:33 11.05.16. Batch: 132788791.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:34 11.05.16. Batch: 132788899.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:35 11.05.16. Batch: 132789009.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:37 11.05.16. Batch: 132789229.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:40 11.05.16. Batch: 132789673.
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U1993418. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipcruiser.. Date: 22:41 11.05.16. Batch: 132789834.
Hyip-Cruiser вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 12:05
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 27.06.2015
Сообщений: 584
Благодарностей: 63 - SmartCoin

kiev - жжет , на 10 % на завтра уже наковыряли , а то мож и на 2 дня вперед ) .
Надеюсь у админа рука не дрогнет ))
Mirvsem вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 12:06
Топ Мастер
Имя: Gaṇesa
Пол: Женский
Адрес: Orlando
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 27.08.2015
Сообщений: 6,756
Благодарностей: 1,551 - SmartCoin


The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:32 11.05.16. Batch: 132788611.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:33 11.05.16. Batch: 132788811.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:34 11.05.16. Batch: 132788921.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:36 11.05.16. Batch: 132789128.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:37 11.05.16. Batch: 132789257.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:39 11.05.16. Batch: 132789529.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:40 11.05.16. Batch: 132789725.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:41 11.05.16. Batch: 132789856.

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U9***. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_AndreJohnson.. Date: 22:42 11.05.16. Batch: 132789941.
Ganesa вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 12:11
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 01.12.2012
Сообщений: 7,604
Благодарностей: 415 - SmartCoin

Выплаты:05.12.16 06:56 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U7679551. Batch: 132821878. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_Elitemonitor_from_SMARTCOIN.
05.12.16 06:55 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U7679551. Batch: 132821798. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_Elitemonitor_from_SMARTCOIN.
05.11.16 23:09 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U7679551. Batch: 132792934. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_Elitemonitor.
05.11.16 22:34 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U7679551. Batch: 132788891. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_Elitemonitor.
05.11.16 22:33 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U7679551. Batch: 132788779. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_Elitemonitor.
Elite-monitor вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 12:28
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 06.04.2015
Сообщений: 621
Благодарностей: 100 - SmartCoin

Сообщение от Mirvsem Посмотреть сообщение
kiev - жжет , на 10 % на завтра уже наковыряли , а то мож и на 2 дня вперед ) .
Надеюсь у админа рука не дрогнет ))
Ну исходя из того какой был проект изначально и как админ относится к делу, насчет его руки переживать не стоит. Насчет баннера написал, он говорит, что уже ответил тебе, сделает...
Riddick777 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 13:00
Регистрация: 30.03.2016
Сообщений: 120
Благодарностей: 24 - SmartCoin

Я в игре!

Вчерашний депозит:

05.11.16 12:23 Account Transfer -10.00 Sent Payment: 10.00 USD to account U10673848 from U11362146. Batch: 132701467. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.

И первая выплата:

05.11.16 23:11 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U11362146. Batch: 132793098. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_Vans.
Vanz вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 13:07
Имя: Vel
Регистрация: 26.08.2015
Сообщений: 17,246
Благодарностей: 1,275 - SmartCoin

22:53 11.05.16 Receive 132791332
Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_Vel. Payment ID: 15
Вел вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 13:49
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Минск
Инвестирую в: Свой бизнес
Регистрация: 30.09.2010
Сообщений: 384
Благодарностей: 57 - SmartCoin

Вчерашний деп

17:28 11.05.16 Transfer 132746355 SMARTCOIN -10.05 Sent Payment 10.00 USD to account U10673848. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Payment ID: 798

И первая выплата

23:12 11.05.16 Receive 132793181 SMARTCOIN +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_hyipMaster0. Payment ID: 798
master0 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 15:24
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Доверительное управление
Регистрация: 02.08.2008
Сообщений: 834
Благодарностей: 45 - SmartCoin

Было бы полезно оставить из предыдущего маркетига ограничение на количество покупаемых участником монеток в сутки, например не более 10. Сейчас уже есть вклады по штуке, некоторое количество таких вкладов согдадут нехилую нагрузку после того, будут израсходованы на выплаты и другие нужды
bumerang1975 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 19:48
Регистрация: 30.03.2016
Сообщений: 120
Благодарностей: 24 - SmartCoin

Долил десятку:

05.12.16 16:07 Account Transfer -10.00 Sent Payment: 10.00 USD to account U10673848 from U11362146. Batch: 132896755. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.
Vanz вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 20:02
Регистрация: 24.01.2016
Сообщений: 132
Благодарностей: 61 - SmartCoin

The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10673848->U109. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_alex.. Date: 22:36 11.05.16. Batch: 132789108.
alex9192 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 20:29
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Интернет
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 19.11.2007
Сообщений: 70,746
Благодарностей: 5,734

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU - SmartCoin

Date : 05/12/2016 16:57
From/To Account : U10673848
Amount : 2.00
Currency : USD
Batch : 132904358
Memo : API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_hyipcruiser_from_SMARTCOIN.
Payment ID : 336
Hyip-Cruiser вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 21:53
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 11.09.2015
Сообщений: 425
Благодарностей: 112 - SmartCoin


The amount of 20 USD has been withdrawn from your
Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11******->U10673848. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. . Date: 16:57 12.05.16. Batch: 132904331

здесь выплаты автоматом % или %+деп
kot81 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 22:14
Топ Мастер
Имя: Андрей
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Россия
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 22.04.2011
Сообщений: 55,219
Благодарностей: 7,664

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU - SmartCoin

Админ взял листинг на мониторе

12.05.16 18:39 Transfer Sent Payment: 200.00 USD to account U10673848 from U17755**. Batch: 132919519. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.
Knjaz вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 22:24
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 06.04.2015
Сообщений: 621
Благодарностей: 100 - SmartCoin

Сообщение от kot81 Посмотреть сообщение

The amount of 20 USD has been withdrawn from your
Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11******->U10673848. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. . Date: 16:57 12.05.16. Batch: 132904331

здесь выплаты автоматом % или %+деп
Выплаты проценты, пока 100% чистой прибыли наберется...
Riddick777 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 22:42
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 11.09.2015
Сообщений: 425
Благодарностей: 112 - SmartCoin

Сообщение от Riddick777 Посмотреть сообщение
Выплаты проценты, пока 100% чистой прибыли наберется...
понял, спасибо.
kot81 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 23:05
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 06.04.2015
Сообщений: 621
Благодарностей: 100 - SmartCoin

Последние новостя!
Уважаемые участники и гости проекта! Сегодня добавлен баннер 200х300. Продолжаю делать баннеры. На проект добавлен монитор предлагающий 3800% рефбэк! Всем спасибо за отзывы, так же просьба, если есть время голосуйте на мониторах! Всем спасибо за поддержку проекта! Всем больших заработков!
Riddick777 вне форума
Старый 12.05.2016, 23:15
Топ Мастер
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Россия
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 31.03.2013
Сообщений: 28,030
Благодарностей: 2,453
Автор темы - SmartCoin

Выплаты с проекта:

05.12.16 19:14 Account Receive +2.00 Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132926650. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 19:13 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132926518. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 18:11 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132915150. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 16:08 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132896897. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 12:47 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132866953. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 11:01 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132852489. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 00:06 Account Receive +4.00 Received Payment 4.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132796522. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 23:05 Account Receive +4.00 Received Payment 4.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132792428. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 23:04 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132792341. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 22:50 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132791016. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.12.16 08:31 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132832055. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 06:55 Account Receive +2.00 Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132821811. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.12.16 02:07 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132802261. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 22:50 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790937. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:49 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790823. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:48 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790719. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:47 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790635. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:47 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790583. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:46 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790447. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:46 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790343. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:45 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790218. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:43 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132790055. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:42 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132789927. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:41 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132789830. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:39 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132789605. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:38 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132789402. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:37 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132789203. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:35 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132788977. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:34 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132788881. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 22:33 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132788756. Memo: API Payment. Buy_out_SMARTCOIN_for_monitorinvest.

05.11.16 21:52 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132784819. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 20:31 Account Receive +7.00 Received Payment 7.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132775274. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.

05.11.16 19:12 Account Receive +15.00 Received Payment 15.00 USD from account U10673848 to account U4731311. Batch: 132763054. Memo: API Payment. Ref_bonus_for_monitorinvest_from_SMARTCOIN.
NikNak67 вне форума
Старый 13.05.2016, 00:32
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 19.03.2015
Сообщений: 6,157
Благодарностей: 1,520 - SmartCoin

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