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18:17 12.05.16 Receive 132916174 U10185979
Finex Group LTD +1.9 Received Payment 1.9 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
15:18 12.05.16 Receive 132889119 U10185979
Received Payment 0.17 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
Дата операции: 12 Май 2016 20:07
ID операции: 181709317
Тип операции: перевод
Статус: выполнен
Сумма получения: 3.96 $
Комментарий: Money transfer (Finex Group LTD)
The amount of 0.28 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U11183593. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 17:33 12.05.16. Batch: 132909126.
05.12.16 08:13 Account Receive +4.00 Received Payment 4.00 USD from account U10185979 to account U1825364. Batch: 132830245. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
17:39 12.05.16 Receive 132909943 U10185979
Finex Group LTD +0.35 Received Payment 0.35 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
The amount of 4.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U208... Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 21:37 12.05.16. Batch: 132946210.
The amount of 0.72 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->Uxxx. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 07:53 13.05.16. Batch: 132991982.
13.05.16 07:53 Receive Received Payment 0.35 USD from account U10185979 to account U10***. Batch: 132992112. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
The amount of 2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U2631114. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 07:53 13.05.16. Batch: 132991958.
05.13.16 10:18 Account Receive +4.00 Received Payment 4.00 USD from account U10185979 to account U1825364. Batch: 133011437. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
Быстрая выплата
10:18 13.05.16 Batch: 133011430 Received Payment 0.72 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
15:18 12.05.16 Receive 132889135 U10185979
Finex Group LTD +0.7 Received Payment 0.7 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223