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16:20 09.05.16 Receive 132419876 U10185979
Finex Group LTD +0.35 Received Payment 0.35 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
Выплата получена:
The amount of 0.35 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U3087.... Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 17:06 09.05.16. Batch: 132426235
Выплата 05.09.16 07:34 Account Receive +1.44 Received Payment 1.44 USD from account U10185979 to account Batch: 132350940. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
The amount of 0.72 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->Uxxx. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 06:01 10.05.16. Batch: 132495892.
Дата операции: 10 Май 2016 07:30
ID операции: 180150000
Тип операции: перевод
Статус: выполнен
Сумма получения: 3.96 $
Комментарий: Money transfer (Finex Group LTD)
10.05.16 06:01 Receive Received Payment 0.35 USD from account U10185979 to account U1***. Batch: 132495948. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
Быстрая выплата
08:08 10.05.16 Batch: 132506816 Received Payment 0.72 USD from account U10185979. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223
The amount of 50 USD
has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account.
Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD..
Date: 11:40 10.05.16. Batch: 132534779.
Очередной вывод из проекта:
12:14 10.05.16 Receive 132539315 Finex Group LTD.
Received Payment 1.9 USD from account U10185979.
Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: 1223.
10.05.16 13:27 Receive Received Payment 0.17 USD from account U10185979 to account U9817***. Batch: 132549553. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.
The amount of 2.66 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U2631114. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 12:14 10.05.16. Batch: 132539304.
12:22 10.05.16 Transfer 132540403 U10185979
Finex Group LTD -10.19 Sent Payment 10.00 USD to account U10185979. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD. Payment ID: finex-invest.com
The amount of 0.52 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U415****. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 20:35 06.05.16. Batch: 132052030.
The amount of 0.53 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U415****. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 18:10 07.05.16. Batch: 132166705.
The amount of 0.52 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U415****. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 15:07 08.05.16. Batch: 132269234.
The amount of 0.53 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U415****. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 22:23 09.05.16. Batch: 132466968.
The amount of 0.53 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U415****. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 12:14 10.05.16. Batch: 132539326.
The amount of 0.35 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10185979->U6***. Memo: API Payment. Money transfer Finex Group LTD.. Date: 15:58 10.05.16. Batch: 132571449.