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16.02.16 15:13 Receive Received Payment 0.18 USD from account U9277934 to account U761. Batch: 120232838. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 104, joesorrento from Cuprutek.com.
16.02.16 16:26 Receive Received Payment 0.23 USD from account U9277934 to account U234****. Batch: 120241911. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 107, likenoother from Cuprutek.com.
02.16.16 17:04 Account Receive +0.53 Received Payment 0.53 USD from account U9277934 to account U4731311. Batch: 120246572. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 108, monitorinvestnet from Cuprutek.com.
Выплата из проекта
17.02.16 17:05 Receive Received Payment 0.18 USD from account U9277934 to account U761. Batch: 120367437. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 148, joesorrento from Cuprutek.com.
02.17.16 17:34 Account Receive +1.06 Received Payment 1.06 USD from account U9277934 to account U4731311. Batch: 120370195. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 150, monitorinvestnet from Cuprutek.com.
17.02.16 20:15 Receive Received Payment 0.23 USD from account U9277934 to account U234****. Batch: 120387525. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 152, likenoother from Cuprutek.com.
18.02.16 11:57 Receive Received Payment 0.23 USD from account U9277934 to account U234****. Batch: 120446844. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 175, likenoother from Cuprutek.com.
18.02.16 15:53 Receive Received Payment 0.18 USD from account U9277934 to account U761. Batch: 120471933. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 186, joesorrento from Cuprutek.com.
19.02.16 11:40 Receive Received Payment 0.23 USD from account U9277934 to account U234****. Batch: 120558021. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 212, likenoother from Cuprutek.com.
Статус Выполнена
Дата сегодня, 14:28
Платежная система Bitcoin
Важно! Для пополнения через bitcoin необходимо 2 подтверждения
Сумма 0.000131 BTC
Счет получателя 1Frg83V9WS9UBs93gStDa1ZN84aTJkzKV9
Batch-номер 3a8f217fd93e30ed75f43e7281f5225b******
Примечание Invoice #226, tanakasan from Cuprutek.com
Изменено сегодня, 14:28
19.02.16 15:38 Receive Received Payment 0.18 USD from account U9277934 to account U761. Batch: 120582744. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 228, joesorrento from Cuprutek.com.
На сайте написано, что зачисление на bitcoin происходит через 2 подтверждения, но у меня их уже 54, а средства до сих пор не поступили. Никто не сталкивался с подобной проблемой?
20.02.16 13:38 Receive Received Payment 0.23 USD from account U9277934 to account U234****. Batch: 120675071. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 259, likenoother from Cuprutek.com.