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13:59 08.02.16 Receive 119366306 U9531888
Fund +12.64 4013.09 Received Payment 12.64 USD from account U9531888. Memo: API Payment. Выплата finmagtv из Фонда Стремление.
20:11 08.02.16 Transfer 119411432 U9531888
Fund Sent Payment 36.00 USD to account U9531888. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Депозит в Фонд . Payment ID: 759
The amount of 9.6 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U9531888->U3587***. Memo: API Payment. Выплата $$$$$$$ из Фонда Стремление.. Date: 21:03 08.02.16. Batch: 119416402.
08.02.16 20:50 Receive Received Payment 1.2 USD from account U9531888 to account U102***. Batch: 119415253. Memo: API Payment. Выплата souverain из Фонда Стремление.
The amount of 1.8 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U9531888->U25***86. Memo: API Payment. Выплата starkoff.bz из Фонда Стремление.. Date: 20:50 08.02.16. Batch: 119415235.
22:27 08.02.16 Receive 119423867 U9531888
Fund +2.4 Received Payment 2.4 USD from account U9531888. Memo: API Payment. Выплата anatara из Фонда Стремление.
02.08.16 20:50 Account Receive +1.2 Received Payment 1.2 USD from account U9531888 to account U165****. Batch: 119415221. Memo: API Payment. Выплата из Фонда Стремление
Статус Выполнена
Дата сегодня, 11:17
Платежная система PerfectMoney
Сумма 20.00 USD
Счет отправителя U977****
Batch-номер 119446598
Изменено сегодня, 11:17
20:50 08.02.16 Receive 119415200 U9531888
Fund +18.25 4081.24 Received Payment 18.25 USD from account U9531888. Memo: API Payment. Выплата finmagtv из Фонда Стремление.
The amount of 2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U9531888->U412хххх. Memo: API Payment. Выплата kaninvest из Фонда Стремление.. Date: 12:25 08.02.16. Batch: 119355620.
Через час после заказа:
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U9531888->U575$$$$. Memo: API Payment. Выплата Vitadimoff из Фонда Стремление.. Date: 08:33 09.02.16. Batch: 119449457.
The amount of 2.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U9531888->U412хххх. Memo: API Payment. Выплата kaninvest из Фонда Стремление.. Date: 13:12 09.02.16. Batch: 119476950.