Ответ: VanFunds - vanfunds.com
подскажите пожалуйство какие мои дальнейшие действия по получению карты. после моих последних действий написали!
Important! The prepaid card delivery process is as follows:
1. You have just ordered a Vandior prepaid debit card from Payoneer.
2. Payoneer will review your application and approve it within 2 days.
3. To check the status and see if the card status is active* please login to your Payoneer account. Open
https://www.payoneer.com - and click on "My Account" on the right.
* Active - means that your card was approved by Payoneer and they sent it via courier or post to your home or office address. Up to 10 days for US or up to 30 days if outside US.
4. Once you have your card, you must go to:
https://www.payoneer.com - and click on "Activate Your Card" on the right.
5. Once your card is activated, you can add it to your VanFunds account payment details and request withdrawals to it. You can add it on the following page:
Learn more about Vandior PrePaid Card by reading this page: Free PrePaid Card