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Вторая выплата из проекта!
17:08 25.01.16 Receive 117677383 U10728329
SmartInvest +1.88 Received Payment 1.88 USD from account U10728329. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5586, Putoran.
The amount of 11.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10728329->U548. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5605, troianda.. Date: 17:09 25.01.16. Batch: 117677411.
The amount of 5.76 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10728329->U25***86. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5697, Starkoff.bz.. Date: 18:02 25.01.16. Batch: 11768508
Вторая выплата за сегодня
The amount of 1.16 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10728329->U956****. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5756, zennuk.. Date: 18:42 25.01.16. Batch: 117690073
The amount of 6.96 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10728329->U52****. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5683, toenail.. Date: 18:02 25.01.16. Batch: 117685048.
Проект платит:The amount of 3.45 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U10728329->U125****. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5740, Sofikor.. Date: 18:31 25.01.16. Batch: 117688958.
В течение 5 секунд выводят
25.01.16 19:13 Receive Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U10728329 to account U9603236. Batch: 117693486. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5810