11.01.16 05:35 Receive Received Payment 0.4 USD from account U10624536 to account U3394xxx. Batch: 115952402. Memo: API Payment. PLAN1 DAILY PAYOUT FOR USD20 DEPOSIT, PAYOUT 17/100. POST ON A FORUM PLEASE!.
11.01.16 05:34 Receive Received Payment 0.4 USD from account U10624536 to account U3394xxx. Batch: 115952296. Memo: API Payment. PLAN1 DAILY PAYOUT FOR USD20 DEPOSIT, PAYOUT 22/100. POST ON A FORUM PLEASE!.
11.01.16 05:32 Receive Received Payment 0.2 USD from account U10624536 to account U3394xxx. Batch: 115952071. Memo: API Payment. PLAN1 DAILY PAYOUT FOR USD10 DEPOSIT, PAYOUT 31/100. POST ON A FORUM PLEASE!.