Re: - заработок на рекламных пакетах
Sever maintenance and upgrade are still ongoing, dont need to be alarm if site is not accessible or facing any error. Notification bar already inform, distribution as per normal. Cant log in just get yourself a break No surfing require Смайлик «smile» let hope Monday all will be back to normal with a new speed!
The Poll is just a poll nothing was set or any changes was announce. You got your opinion and lets us hear your voice thats all!
T.Members - 41,412
T.Purchases - $7,580,325.00
T.PaidOut - $1,795,512.23
T.ActivePack - 902,485!
Alexa Rank - 8,188
Happy Sunday! Have a great Family Day HQFamily!
Ожидаем понедельника, работы проводятся все еще, к понед. все должно наладится
и не паникуем.
Админ еще написал:
As mention that we are working on site... for why it showing invalid licensed no idea lol we got the licensed just that the footer code goes wrong, site will be up anytime soon. relax!
Проблемы с лицензией из за работ на сайте.