Ответ: The Big Bang Surf - www.bigbangsurf.com
первое письмо от админа, во-первых говорит о том, чтоб не использовали спам для привлечения реферралов, такие пользователи будут удалены; далее благодарит пользователей за хороший старт серфа; новости будут публиковаться в их блоге, а так же, в ближайшие несколько недель обещают конкурсы и много веселья
** Important Message to BigBangSurfers !**
Good Morning Surfers, First, the bad news ! It has come to our attention that a spam promotional message was sent out a few hours ago. We wish to emphatically state that this was NOT sent by any member of BigBangSurf staff. The member of BBS who did send out the email has been located and deleted from the database. Please remember people, we will not tolerate spamming of this nature and will suspend anyone who does so. Period. And now the GOOD NEWS ! BigBigBangSurf is SOARING like a ROCKET this first day after Take Off ! Many thanks to all who are helping explode BBS, and a BIG welcome to all new members. Our team is always ready to answer your questions or help in any way possible at [email protected]. We'll also be regularly sharing new information and/or news on our blog. Just click the BLOG link on our home page. Watch out for Contests and other "fun stuff" in the next couple of weeks. (Details will be posted in the blog !) Have a great day everyone, Caleb Martin, BigBangSurf CEO
добавлено через 1 час 4 минуты
еще одно добавление сделаю.. админу задали вопрос по поводу спама, которое пришло от "Admin <
[email protected]>", ответ админа на это:
"пользователь, который рассылал спам был удален.. так же говорит, что до старта серфа, пытались связаться с dailyprofitpond для покупки скрипта, и в итоге купили его у программиста за $350
A user sent a spammed email and has been deleted from our membership base. We also have received several complaints to that and have responded appropriately.
Before we started, we tried to contact dailyprofitpond for their script as we do like that script and the programmer sold us a piece for $350.00.
We have no relationship whatsoever with the email that was sent.
Thanks for your support anyway.