Re: - 1nstant
Ночной инстант!!!
09.28.13 08:24 Account Receive
+2.82 Received Payment 2.82 USD from account U5872458 to account U2хххххххх. Batch: 35908007. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 25217.
09.28.13 06:29 Account Receive
+6.25 Received Payment 6.25 USD from account U5872458 to account U2ххххххх. Batch: 35901384. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 24589.
09.28.13 02:14 Account Receive
+0.5 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U5872458 to account U2хххххх. Batch: 35892607. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 23619.
09.28.13 01:53 Account Receive
+0.58 Received Payment 0.58 USD from account U5872458 to account U2ххххххх. Batch: 35892106. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 23557.
09.28.13 01:29 Account Receive
+1.02 Received Payment 1.02 USD from account U5872458 to account U2хххххх. Batch: 35891463. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 23480.
09.28.13 00:48 Account Receive
+0.86 Received Payment 0.86 USD from account U5872458 to account U2хххххх. Batch: 35889983. Memo: API Payment. 1nstant: Payout 23312.