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Выплата, инстант:
The amount of 10.29 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U3587442->U352xxxx. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25300.. Date: 14:53 15.08.13. Batch: 31267922. Спасибо админ!
The amount of 20.02 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U3587442->U26*****. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25203.. Date: 14:33 15.08.13. Batch: 31265349.
The amount of 5.74 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U3587442->U339****. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25673.. Date: 16:05 15.08.13. Batch: 31276524.
Сегодня присоединилась к проекту, вклад и первая моментальная выплата
16:05 15.08.13 Receive 31276599 U3587442
Gesmie +3.85 522.74 Received Payment 3.85 USD from account U3587442. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25678. Payment ID: 32531
12:38 15.08.13 Transfer 31252195 U3587442
Gesmie -105.52 0.525 518.89 Sent Payment 105.00 USD to account U3587442. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. 10870. Payment ID: 10870
The amount of 1.37 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account.
Account: U3587442. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25770..
Date: 16:20 15.08.13. Batch: 31278436.
The amount of 2.01 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account.
Accounts: U3587442->U4059***.
Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25881..
Date: 16:45 15.08.13. Batch: 31281935.
Вклады и выплаты идут вовсю. Одни из выплат:
15:52 15.08.13 31274800 Received Payment 58.47 USD from account U3587442. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25613. Payment ID: 32439
11:12 15.08.13 31243154 Received Payment 19.54 USD from account U3587442. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 24267. Payment ID: 30668
09:38 15.08.13 31233486 Received Payment 28.62 USD from account U3587442. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 23861. Payment ID: 30151
The amount of 1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U3587442->U1131***. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 25914.. Date: 16:52 15.08.13. Batch: 31282794.
The amount of 45 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account.
Accounts: U4059***->U3587442.
Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. 11459..
Date: 17:19 15.08.13. Batch: 31287013.
C компаунда.
The amount of 0.72 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U3587442->U3654***. Memo: API Payment. GESMIE: Withdrawal 26081.. Date: 17:22 15.08.13. Batch: 31287442