Ответ: Mega Lido - www.megalido.com
Dear members,
I want to let you know that we are going to put MegaLido offline for a few hours in a few hours from now. There is some maintenance that needs to be done as the program has been growing a lot and we need to have a stable server for the future, as MegaLido is growing more than ever.
MegaLido will be back online later today, please let your referrals know about this schedule maintance, it needs to be done in order to ensure the longevity and stability of the server so that we will not face any problems with overloading in the future.
I apologize if this will change your daily schedule and I appreciate your understanding,
Ребеночек растет слишком быстро, кушает все больше, скоро совсем из кроватки вырастет (бабушку придется выселять
). Так что, срочно берем ипотеку и покупаем трехкомнатную. А пока будем переезжать и ремонт ремонтировать, по прежниму адресу не искать - нас там не будет. Обещаем сделать все как можно быстрее.
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