Re: - от зарегистрированного компани
Сообщение от Павел чечетов 1164734307
На форуме сайта написано что вывод может длится до 31 дня из-за проблем с новым инвестором
что за проблемы с новым инвестором?? насколько я знаю админ ездил на встречу с будущими покупателями букса, они планируют его купить в марте. сейчас у букса нехватка денег, поэтому такой срок выплат и сделали. Админ очень честен и развёрнуто описал всё в теме на форуме
Dear users
I was back from the meeting with potential investors yesterday night. I don't have any good news. They very like but for various legal reasons they cannot buy it at the moment. They will come back to me at March when they solve those reasons. So it looks like we gonna have 2 tough months.
I have to make several changes to keep on the market and try to survive this hard times:
- From now on you can only withdraw with PayPal or Payza. Depending on which payment processor you will deposit most of cash - this one will be available for withdrawals. For example if you top up purchase balance for $100 with PayPal and $80 with Payza, you will be able to withdraw to PayPal only. If the amount of purchases is equal - you will be able to payout on both of them. There is still EgoPay, Perfect Money and Payeer available for deposits but they are not available for withdrawals anymore. If you deposit with any of them you still will be able to withdraw through PayPal or Payza. That applies only for deposits from today. It doesn't work 'backwards'.
- I've completely removed Revenue Shares from the site. All money from share balances were transferred to Account Balance. All active shares are still valid until they expire, you can see your stats. Revenue from now on is transferred over to Account Balance.
- Waiting time for withdraw is extended from 7 to 31 days. My sincerely apologies for that. But it's better to wait a little bit longer and get your money than get nothing..
- As most of cheaters comes from Vietnam (my apologies for those who are honest) people from Vietnam needs to be upgraded before they can request for cashout.
That's it for the moment. If you gonna leave - I fully understand. It's gonna be hard times for all of us. I hope we will survive until March.
All the best.
буду благодарен тому, что сможет адекватно всё это перевести
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Сообщение от Guana91
Надеюсь проблемы с выводами наладятся.
проблем с выводами нет, админ платит каждый день, просто срок увеличили до 31 дня.