Re: - CoinGeneration
Android / PayPal / Conference
Dear members,
We are finishing off updating the system and we recommend that you install our latest software (version 3.3) whether you are using Windows or Apple. In addition to these versions, there is also an Android app available. Please note that mobile payouts are calculated separately from Windows/Apple and require a separate account. The mobile version of our website is currently under construction: we hope you will enjoy using it and managing your back office on your mobile within the next few days.
Our primary objective, that is, our common objective, is to restore the company's reputation and ensure stable operation. So far, our experience suggests we have been unilaterally doing our best to perk up the system and, taking the degree of your cooperation into account, we reserve the right to lift or lower your limits depending on your account's affiliate activity status. We have been more than loyal to all our members from the new year, but despite our expectations, the sea change did not happen. Just to make things clear, we are in no way attempting to blame you for not wanting to help us, nor are we trying to make you do anything. None of us were born yesterday, and future scenarios must be self-evident to everyone.
It is easier to destroy than to create: we have come a long way, and now forward is the only direction. Updating and supporting the app on other platforms seems pointless if the attitude persists. To break the stereotype associated with our logo, we have decided to take the matter in our hands and refresh the company's image as early as this week.
And finally, we would like to remind you that BTC-O-MATIC terminal quotas for our shareholders are to be re-introduced in May. So if you want to buy a terminal right now, see you in Amsterdam or Slovenia: we have plenty of machines available! And, by the way, Amsterdam loves our terminal.
Mutual prosperity,
DG Team