Я не админ проекта. Проект стартовал 23 марта 2013 года.
Precious metals market at the moment has a maximum investment appeal. Our company has a team of traders who trade specialization of the platinum market. Our mission - to provide the best investment opportunities for our clients, investment security and a stable income.
Using Invplatinum as invest tool our customers acquiring a reliable partner and an effective manager for its funds.
Планы вкладов
0.7% Daily for 22 Days. 5% bonus. Principal return.
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 0.70
3% Daily for 45 Days. 5% bonus.
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $50 - $500 2.70
Plan 2 $501 - $2,000 2.80
Plan 3 $2,001 - $5,000 3.00
2% Daily for 90 Days. 5% bonus.
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 2% $1,000 and more 2.00