Re: - bankontraffic
Новости от компании:
Member Update Aug 14
Hello BT Members,
1. Many of you may remember that one of our security measures was the requirement of logging into your new BT account within 24 hour of signup as stated on our signup page. We had disabled that function due to issues with the confirmation emails. As part of our enhanced security measures, we will be reinstating that policy beginning this Sunday night, August 18th.
If any of your personal referred members have never logged into their accounts, please advise them to do so. All it takes is a one-time login to prevent the account from being removed. Our Admin staff cannot do this login for them. If your referral doesn’t remember their login details, the “Forgot Password” function will send it to them.
2. We have added a variety of new BT Banners for your use. You can copy them, add your referral URL (link) and post them wherever you want. These new banners are located under your “Referrals” tab.
Milestones reached.
1. We now have over 10,000 active members.
2. Our members have exceeded Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) in Total Earnings. That’s an average earnings of slightly over $500.00 per member.
3. Five million dollars in member earnings also relates directly to the amount of UV Traffic sold which is now over One Half Billion (500,000,000) Retail UV Traffic Visits with another Half Billion in Wholesale Traffic.
We have accomplished much in less than 5 full months in business. We owe most of this success to the ingenuity and creativity of a relatively few number of member / marketers. Now that we have completed Phase 1 of our website and business application development, we will begin our more aggressive marketing oriented work. We want to build you the best marketing tools we can develop.
Best Regards,
BT Admin
Тут говорится о том что при регистрации у новых пользователей было 24 часа на подтверждение почты,но так как часто бывали заминки с письмами,функцию отключили,и сказали передать всем новым пользователям что бы не нервничали по поводу 24 часов.
Добавили новые баннеры во вкладке "Рефералы".
Пользователей активных на данный момент 10 тысяч,заработано пользователями 5 лимонов баксов,в среднем по 500 на рыло.
Дальше пишется что компания продавала трафик оптом и тазиками тоже,а также о том что завершилась 1 фаза проекта.Далее компания обьявляет о том ,что она начинает агрессивную политику в области маркетинга.
В советское время ниже написали бы овации и бурные аплодисменты)
Последний раз редактировалось Альгамбра; 15.08.2013 в 01:36.