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Первый пост Опции темы
Старый 29.03.2008, 12:38
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 28.03.2008
Сообщений: 1
Благодарностей: 0
happybusinessday -

We start an high yield investment program for long term, we are a team and work at internet... Our program is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts. is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.

115%-130% after 1 day (Automatic Withdrawal)
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $1 - $20 115.00
Plan 2 $21 - $200 120.00
Plan 3 $201 - $2,000 125.00
Plan 4 $2,001 - $6,000 130.00
Calculate your profit >>
140%-155% after 2 days (Automatic Withdrawal)
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $4 - $20 140.00
Plan 2 $21 - $200 145.00
Plan 3 $201 - $2,000 150.00
Plan 4 $2,001 - $6,000 155.00
Calculate your profit >>

MOD: Оформление темы не соответствует правилам раздела, отредактируйте сообщение или тема будет удалена

Последний раз редактировалось mtombo; 29.03.2008 в 13:15.
frumerir вне форума
Старый 05.04.2008, 12:16
Пол: Мужской
Адрес: Москва
Инвестирую в: Свой бизнес
Регистрация: 21.11.2006
Сообщений: 1,150
Благодарностей: 204
переношу в проблемные
OmRam вне форума
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