Re: - hourlyrevshare
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[18:57:52] Евгений Рыжов: (handshake)
[18:59:20] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste - (handshake)
[19:01:28] Евгений Рыжов: I like very much your project and defend it on the forum, but I see a lot of negative information about what payments are optional, could you send me a true story about what is happening in Hourlyrevshare, in order that I leave this information on the forums ! I am your friend and have great respect for you!
[19:02:46] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste how do you write your name
in our alphabet, please?
[19:05:11] Евгений Рыжов: Evgeniy Rizhov login " Jekson "
[19:06:54] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste - thanks Evgeniy
[19:08:06] Евгений Рыжов:
[19:15:03] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste -
[19:01] Евгений Рыжов:
<<< I like very much your project and defend it on the forum, but I see a lot of negative information about what payments are optional, could you send me a true story about what is happening in Hourlyrevshare, in order that I leave this information on the forums ! I am your friend and have great respect for you!
there will always be the folks that
prefer Bad News over Good News
(that is human nature), Evgeniy
HRS has performed extremely well
- including with their pay-outs (when
you compare with other programs)
Yes... some restructuring had to be
done, for the good flow of things -
but that is very important that a
program is dynamic and can adapt
to it's different new circumstances,
and whatever challenges it faces
With so many programs that go
under... many people have fears
and unfortunately, FEAR is a very
misleading emotion. Often, through
layers of fear, we don't see the
Simple Reality and the Good
I can definitely assure you, that
Analie is a Person of High Integrity
and with Principles of Honesty and
Respect for all people. She has a
very Pure Vision, and it is definitely
a LONG TERM vision.
It is UP TO ALL OF US... to recognize
what a unique privilege we have to
help SHAPE this program... and for
sure to help PROTECT IT and SHIELD
IT from the inevitable attacks by the
Jealous and Feardriven Competitors
Heck... if all programs were doing
their best, and were founded on
But, we both know that this is NOT
REALITY... actually, most programs
are run by very GREEDY individuals
- who claim they are here to help -
but in reality just want to fill up their
own treasure chests - and they don't
care about the wellbeing of their own
Members. No wonder, that these
programs don't last.
Evgeniy, we truly have a TREASURE
here,... let's treat it as such, and lets
share it with the people we really care
about. They will love us for it. And if
they are not ready... that's ok too.
I hope that gives you a bit of insight,
(I will post your Question & My Answer
in the Skype Rooms)
[19:19:21] Евгений Рыжов: Thanks for the good news! As soon vozobnovyatsya payments automatically, that a withdrawal would be a maximum of 24 hours?
[19:23:50] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste yes... the objective is to speed up the
pay-outs as fast as possible... and full
automation will easily permit that
for right now... there is intense manual
intervention, to avoid security breaches
- it's a lot of work, and yes, it slows the
things down a bit... but that too, is very
important for Quality Preservation
Too many programs have gone under
cause a bunch of crooks came on board
- and the admin missed it, due to way
too much automation
Being paid within less than 2 weeks, is
not a bad situation, Evgeniy... even
if that didn't change
[19:32:02] Евгений Рыжов: Thank you!
Partners asked, why STP payments more than perfect Money and why perfect obrabatyvayutsya basically the requests for withdrawal of constituents that are less than $ 100, why not a large amount of output at the Perfect Money ?
[19:32:47] Евгений Рыжов: Do you understand what I wrote? )
[19:34:38] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste I believe so
there is mostly people buying with STP
- so that is why there is more STP payouts
(of course, all the former LibertyReserve
people, have been switched to STP)
[19:35:00] ||| Dr. Lieven Van Neste - PM and EGOPAY are much less used