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Старый 26.10.2012, 10:51
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 29.02.2012
Сообщений: 191
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Re: Bacon Fund -

Date: 2012-25-10 17:01
Batch: 116331645
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $10.30
thanks admin
nikolaos вне форума
Старый 26.10.2012, 13:58
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 09.11.2008
Сообщений: 61,056
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награды Волшебный горшочек Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Re: Bacon Fund -

Поступил платеж:
Date : 2012-26-10 07:14:07
From/To Account : U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount : 0.90
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 116408968
SQMonitor на форуме
Старый 26.10.2012, 15:18
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 29.02.2012
Сообщений: 191
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Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:

Date: 2012-10-25 18:51
Batch: 116343066
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $247.20
nikolaos вне форума
Старый 26.10.2012, 16:09
Топ Мастер
Пол: Женский
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Инвестирую в: HYIP
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награды Нострадамус Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Re: Bacon Fund -

114638395;2012-15-10 11:31:45;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
114804807;2012-16-10 09:24:27;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
114984996;2012-17-10 09:24:48;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
115435697;2012-19-10 17:18:58;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
115658206;2012-21-10 12:34:41;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
115788170;2012-22-10 13:18:52;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
116114942;2012-24-10 10:09:35;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;2;BACON FUND PAYOUT
116261068;2012-25-10 08:51:04;LRUSD;Bacon Fund;U8296381;AllHYIPsinfo;U2299211;1,5;BACON FUND PAYOUT
all-hyips вне форума
Старый 26.10.2012, 22:17
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 02.07.2011
Сообщений: 4,008
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Автор темы Re: Bacon Fund -

админ передвинул рефу депозит в 1к повторно на 5ти дневный план.

если не исправит, будем сносить тему.
HYIPMAN вне форума
Старый 26.10.2012, 23:10
Топ Мастер
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 12.12.2011
Сообщений: 19,496
Благодарностей: 1,469
Re: Bacon Fund -

Next payment Received fast as usual:

Date: 10/26/2012 4:59 PM
Batch: 116496361
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $2.00
Memo: Bacon Fund payout
hyipdollar вне форума
Старый 27.10.2012, 05:55
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 14.03.2012
Сообщений: 225
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

My investment:
Date 10/25/2012 18:54
Batch 1
To ()
Amount $170.00


Thanks admin
Busaccaline вне форума
Старый 27.10.2012, 10:42
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Интернет-биржи
Регистрация: 09.03.2012
Сообщений: 150
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Date: 2012-10-26 20:15
Batch: 116513641
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $154.50

Pay very good and fast
dugger вне форума
Старый 27.10.2012, 13:49
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 14.03.2012
Сообщений: 225
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:

Date: 2012-26-10 17:09
Batch: 116497573
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $133.90
Thank you, admin!
Busaccaline вне форума
Старый 27.10.2012, 16:24
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Форекс
Регистрация: 07.03.2012
Сообщений: 226
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

good job, thanks admin
Date : 2012-26-10 18:48:04
From/To Account : U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount : 20.60
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 116507171
filsantos вне форума
Старый 27.10.2012, 18:13
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 29.02.2012
Сообщений: 191
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Date: 2012-10-26 18:44
Batch: 116506845
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $82.40

Pay very good and fast
nikolaos вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 01:07
Топ Мастер
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 12.12.2011
Сообщений: 19,496
Благодарностей: 1,469
Re: Bacon Fund -

Next payment Received on time as usual:

Date: 10/27/2012 8:58 PM
Batch: 116658025
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $2.00
Memo: Bacon Fund payout
hyipdollar вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 06:54
Регистрация: 18.10.2012
Сообщений: 547
Благодарностей: 36
Re: Bacon Fund -

Date: 10/27/2012 8:58 PM
Batch: 116658039
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $0.30
Memo: Bacon Fund payout
Mr Lee вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 09:59
Пол: Женский
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Регистрация: 14.03.2012
Сообщений: 225
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:
Date: 2012-27-10 21:35:34
Batch: 116660244
From: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: 339.9000
Currency: LRUSD

Thank you.
Busaccaline вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 12:43
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Интернет-биржи
Регистрация: 09.03.2012
Сообщений: 150
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:
Date : 2012-27-10 23:03:03
From/To Account : U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount : 288.4000
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 116665283
Thanks admin!
dugger вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 17:15
Пол: Женский
Инвестирую в: Лимиты доверия
Регистрация: 29.02.2012
Сообщений: 165
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Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:
Date: 2012-27-10 18:45
Batch: 116650579
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $515.00
pate295 вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 18:02
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Ставки на спорт
Регистрация: 11.02.2012
Сообщений: 33
Благодарностей: 8
Re: Bacon Fund -

Боюсь вкладываться....
Пожалуй можно закинуть минималку, пущай работает.
Master-OK вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 20:07
Пол: Мужской
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Регистрация: 07.03.2012
Сообщений: 226
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

Payment received quickly, Thank you admin:

Date: 2012-10-27 17:29:38
Batch: 116644739
From Account: U8296381
Amount: $92.70
filsantos вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 20:24
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 02.07.2011
Сообщений: 4,008
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Автор темы Re: Bacon Fund -

Сообщение от Master-OK Посмотреть сообщение
Боюсь вкладываться....
Пожалуй можно закинуть минималку, пущай работает.
рискнуть можете, но проблемки уже начались

админ несколько раз двигал деп рефа на 5ти дневный план, ну и лечил мозК разными байками.

Текст переписки
No. Below is a trascript of my chat with them abou t 5 hours ago. I am getting the screenshots for you now. Give me about 15 minutes. In the meantime read the transcript.

System 3:35:38 AM
System is getting started. [Sunday, October 28, 2012 3:35:38 AM]

A representative will be connected, please be patient.

James Morison enters the chatroom.

James Morison 3:35:43 AM
Hello Guest, my name is James Morison, how may I help you?
Guest 3:36:29 AM
I have issues with my account and I need you to look into it for me with urgency
James Morison 3:36:59 AM
Guest 3:37:27 AM
James Morison 3:37:55 AM

what do you notice in the account


any error??

Guest 3:39:10 AM
On three different occasions when my plan ends and I want to withdraw you don't send the money to my LR account you just deposit it into my Bacon account as a new deposit

Why is it so?

James Morison 3:41:15 AM
let me forward this to technical department, they should get back to you shortly via email

they will be in the best position to explain this

Guest 3:42:41 AM
How long will this take?
James Morison 3:43:23 AM
from my search on your history, the activate something on your account sometimes back

and they are able to perfect it yesterday

Guest 3:44:08 AM
How perfect did it become?
James Morison 3:44:59 AM
and because their was bonus distribution yesterday which was suppose to go into a particular plan with higher profit.. they re-deposit your money with bonus into the bonus plan

but i will need to talk with them and ask why they did not send former payment before investing for bonus

and i will get back to you personally

Guest 3:46:00 AM
this is not the first time you are telling me that. How long is it going to take for you to get back to me personally?
James Morison 3:46:19 AM

it is not the first time

because we attend to lot of members daily

Guest 3:46:39 AM
How long is it going to take for you to get back to me personally?
James Morison 3:46:51 AM
new member that need information about how the company works

but that does not mean we forget about you

i always hand your issue over to the department incharge

hoping they will do a perfect job

I will have a follow up this time

and ensure they remove anything thing prevent money from coming from your account

so that you can cash out instantly like others

Guest 3:49:02 AM
Well, I need immediate withdrawal of 3000 to my LR account before I can believe what you are saying. Then you can leave the rest in my active deposit

while you group resolves my the problem with my account

James Morison 3:50:19 AM
the will do what they are suppose to do .. i have copy and send the open lines of this chat to them now .. so that they can act immediately
Guest 3:52:36 AM
Well, I have been dealing with you for 15 days on this issue. My colleagues in the forums and monitors are all waiting to see if you resolve this. I have screes shots of how you have been depositing my withdrawal which I am about to show to them. That can hurt your business big time
James Morison 3:53:08 AM
that is not our problem

you can show to anyone you like

we are established business , those who are making money here can tell you that..

anybody can share anything

just remember to share the time you are paid too

no business can run 100% online without issues to resolve

we are online company and we face different issues everyday

and we work hard to resolve them

seeing us here talking to you in the first place tell you that we care and willing to resolve all issues

so wait as we have said.

Guest 3:58:23 AM
How long should I wait. This has repeated itself 3 times and the last time you asked me to withdraw all the money and the deposit again an the problem will be fixed. When I withdrew the money to LR, it never go there. I just stayed in your system and you deposited it again. Why is that so?
James Morison 3:59:40 AM
We ask you to withdraw all money to so that we can resolve issue

but i can not tell you anything now because i will not like to give information that is not perfect

that is why i send message to the department working on the issue

remember you are talking to customer support agent

not the technical staff

Guest 4:00:33 AM
That will be great. It will prove to me that what are saying is true. Can I do that now?
James Morison 4:00:36 AM
and i will give information that given to me only

so that i will be able to tell you something perfect this time

because i don't want members to have issues also

if all work on auto mode, it means i will also do less work

Guest 4:01:44 AM
So how much time should I give you?
James Morison 4:02:12 AM
give me 2 hours, if you don't get my mail then chat with me here
Guest 4:02:37 AM
Ok. I will wait two hours. I just want to trust you for the last time.
James Morison 4:02:37 AM
today is sunday and the department in question will be here on weekends
Guest 4:04:29 AM
so what resolution are you going to give me?
James Morison 4:04:36 AM
no problem
Guest 4:04:48 AM
So what are you going to tell them to do?
James Morison 4:04:52 AM
i need to be sure what there action was this time

that is all

because they ask me to tell the user to withdraw all fund

and that was what i just ask you to do

so i want to know the action they have taken and why

Guest 4:05:36 AM
Sounds like they are going to give another explanation

Why can't we make it simple? I don't need explanation into why they are keeping my money. I want at least half of my active deposit or all to be withdrawn to LR then I can re-invest. Then they can look for explanations

James Morison 4:07:56 AM
because you are not part of those who make things happen here, it will be difficult for you to tell how things goes

they are in the best position to do what they are employed to do

all i will need to tell them on you behalf is that the member needs his fund and they should do everything possible to send the fund

and i hope that is final.

Guest 4:09:39 AM
That is all I wanted to hear from you. Thanks.
James Morison 4:10:16 AM

thanks and bye for now

Guest 4:11:50 AM
Buy. Funds to LR. Not explanation. I will be expecting your email

Thanks for you patience and professionalism

James Morison 4:12:12 AM

you are welcome

прошу убрать тему в проблемный раздел.
HYIPMAN вне форума
Старый 28.10.2012, 22:42
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 29.02.2012
Сообщений: 191
Благодарностей: 0
Re: Bacon Fund -

It is great program!!!

Date: 2012-10-27 17:39
Batch: 116645654
From Account: U8296381 (Bacon Fund)
Amount: $329.60
nikolaos вне форума
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