Первое обновление от админа по поводу успехов текущих и грядущих:
Hello Everyone,
This is the first update you are getting from moneytrip.org and all I have is
good news, first of all, I need to thank you all for participating in the
program, it has been growing a lot since it started.
As you all know, a lot of people already got paid, both from their expired
upgrades and paid-to-promote and paid-to-click earnings and referral commissions, a lot of people
are already in profit, that feels really good.
We have been online for only 16 days, and there is already more than 500
registered members, the program is going amazingly well, I did not even think
it would get this big so quick, this is certainly the top growing program
right now, no other ones are getting the numbers and facts we are.
I also want to ask free members to take a second look at our website, forum threads
and monitors, you will notice everyone is happy with MoneyTrip, so, consider
upgrading your account, there is plenty of proof that we are paying and growing
a lot, you will not regret joining and upgrading, you're just going to make
money, like all the active members are.
As I said, we are growing very fast, our Alexa traffic is very high, what
gave us the level of other programs around that have been around longer than
us, that proves that we are putting a lot of money and effort into advertising,
and getting the biggest number of members we can.
MoneyTrip is growing a lot, and quickly, so I'll probably make some changes on
the program's structure, all positive, that will benefit the members, of course.
I'm also looking to hire some staff to help running the program, as this is
getting very big and will just get bigger and bigger, so, having someone else
to work with me is a very good idea, running a real and serious program
is really a lot to take care of.
I think that is it, these 16 days were amazing, MoneyTrip is definitely the
top growing website on the market right now and we are working hard to keep these
growing levels. Once again, thanks for being a member and for all your support.
See you soon,
О чём там речь в кратце: Дэвид уведомляется всех, что у программы за эти 16 дней был крайне бурный рост по всем параметрам, чего он не особо-то и ожидал. В связи с этим, он хочет ввести "некоторые изменения в аппаратной части", о которых сообщит позднее. Также, вероятно, добавит народу в административную часть, потому как справляться с настолько быстрым ростом одному проблематично.
В общем, see you soon - и до следующего обновления.