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Alyery, он может справиться только уменьшив проценты и рефку, я так думаю. Не знаю - не знаю, он в PremiumSurf вложил некоторую сумму, премиум не закрылся значит деньги не пропали
The recent situation with DDOS attack on Libertyreserve for about 6-7 days, demounted all my plans for normal payments of cashout requests in Priority-Pasges.
That`s why I`ll continue with forced compounds for another 2 -3 weeks. Every week I try to pay more, compound less, till all is back to normal but this not possible this week.
There are bad news for everyone including me.
I am trying to be honest here. For those of you who have been in the program since the beginning, you know how good or bad I am.
I have tried my best since the beginning for our program. I have been always online many hours per day, giving fast answer to every support ticket, active on forums, spreading part of the funds to other trusted programs to gain some profits for members' earning.
The autosurf industry is a high risk business. I am sure that many members have earned a profit from some of these programs. But also like me, I am sure that if you have been doing this for long enough, you have had your share of losses also. I am sure that most of you are aware that none of these programs can guarantee the rates they offer including me. No one can consistantly earn through outside investing the dollars needed to pay these huge returns. All of these programs rely on your new advertising dollar to pay the next rebate payment.
As you know i am not a forex investitor and I`m not investing in other offline activities. My income sources came from other autosurfs like FastProfitpro, SurfProfitPro and Executive-Ads were I lost an imporant part of Priority-Pages money. But i could survive without those money. I was looking for other sources and started to invest in SurfLibertAd and TheOneSurf big amounts to recover the lost money. When i saw the closed/not paying status for both i thought averything is over with Priority-Pages but wasn't like that. My salvation could be 14Days-Hits-Surf and it was for a period of time. Now 14DHS is down and almost closed with no refunds.
So I need more time for now. Priority-Pages is closed for temporary, the upgrade button is disabled until further notification. Although it is clearly stated in the Terms that no part of any earnings are guaranteed and there is no refund for Ad Pack purchases, all of you put your trust in me. If your Total Cash Paid Out is greater than Total Ad Pack Purchases your account is in profit, congratulations to you. There is nothing further you need to do. If your Total Ad Pack Purchases is greater than your Total Cash Paid Out then you are not in profit. I will try to refund all not in profit members or move it into a lower ROA program. I will think about this.
I had many great supportive members since the beginning. Without you, everything that has happened would not be possible.
Please do not send support ticket to me as I cannot respond them all and be patient during this transition. I think it will be worth the wait.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Mircea I
admin Priority-Pages.net
НЕудачные инвестиции в другие инвест-серфы привели к плачевному результату. Однозначного решения пока не принято, но скорее всего проект будет закрыт с рефандами невышедшим в профит участникам.
On Hold, что называется.