Сообщение от Grin01
О, супер! Всё сходится! Смотрим сюда:
Admin country: Ukraine
Хорошую фишку монитор придумал - айпи админа пробивать.
Да это еще не о чем не говорит.
This morning, I detected the following error:
The following error was encountered:
Unable to determine IP address from host name for invest4games.com
The dnsserver returned:
Name Error: The domain name does not exist.
Check domain:
I investigated the situation regarding this and found that the domain name: invest4games.com has been suspended. I can't understand why.
I sent request to previous hosting provider, because this domain been registered by them. I'm still waiting for answer. Please, be patient!
I apologize for any inconvenience, but the situation is totally beyond my control.
И вот, нашел на форуме старого хостинга:
Кто что думает?