Имя: Олег
Пол: Мужской
Инвестирую в: Свой бизнес
Регистрация: 02.09.2012
Сообщений: 1,679
Благодарностей: 516
Re: extranetinvestment.com - extranetinvestment
Вторая программа!!! Заказал вывод и в течении 10 минут выплатили:
10.01.14 12:08 Account Receive +169.43 Received Payment 169.43 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959601. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7437.
10.01.14 12:08 Account Receive +133.16 Received Payment 133.16 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959612. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7442.
10.01.14 12:08 Account Receive +90.28 Received Payment 90.28 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959615. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto748.
10.01.14 12:08 Account Receive +76.56 Received Payment 76.56 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959642. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto749.
10.01.14 12:08 Account Receive +46.14 Received Payment 46.14 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959651. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7414.
10.01.14 12:13 Account Receive +134.89 Received Payment 134.89 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69959994. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7462.
10.01.14 12:13 Account Receive +49.18 Received Payment 49.18 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69960002. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7417.
10.01.14 12:13 Account Receive +38.19 Received Payment 38.19 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69960008. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7431.
10.01.14 12:13 Account Receive +61.05 Received Payment 61.05 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69960028. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7430.
10.01.14 12:13 Account Receive +32.44 Received Payment 32.44 USD from account U1690818 to account U100****. Batch: 69960055. Memo: API Payment. EIAF payments. Login: sto7433.
Вообще, вторая программа очень радует. Четвёртый месяц - один и тот же, довольно-таки, высокий процент - 4,4 (из заявленных 1,5-5%). Логины с небольшими структурами (6-8 мест) уже вышли на самоокупаемость.