Re: - ZeekRewards
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Aug 30th SNR Denton...hired on to represent us aka Fun Club USA:
We need to give you an update, last Friday SNR Denton, quit and gave back the retainer.....why?
#1. The sheer number of affiliates and other people demanding to talk with, know about and meet with the lawyers on cell and email were too much for the film to handle. They were not prepared for all of those who did not listen to the request that we made. #2. because they and their staff were threaten with physical harm when most of those who called and email couldn't talk to the lawyer and were not given any information. With those two factors and the huge disruption to the firm by the very people that they were going to help they quit us. I am not often mean....but way to go all of you who just had to throw a monkey wrench into the engine.
From there we had to work fast....and we did.
Two different law firm were referred by SNR and three others interviewed. A day and a half we went with a firm from Dallas TX. ... And NO I WILL NOT DISCLOSE , they have talked to the SEC and DOJ...comments from the SEC so far.
Thursday Sept. 6th 2012 What the lawyer found was this:
1. SEC does not see a victim in the Zeek model. DID YOU HEAR THAT? They are finding trouble finding anyone that was harmed by Zeek Rewards. NO VICTIM.
2. The SEC are finding and seeing that Zeek Rewards is not a security. DID YOU HEAR THAT...SEC is now saying that paying for bids is not a security not an investment scheme , they are having a hard time proving what their claim said because they now have true knowledge of how our business works and are trying to find a graceful way to back out. BACK OUT.
3. Also because of 1/3 of the people are out of the country it would be next to impossible to do claw backs. The courts will not punish only the people in America alone. Legally they can't just claw back only those living here in the US and punish us and not all the affiliates worldwide and other countries will not allow a claw back.
NOW ....we are now moving forward to start a negation with the SEC on the exit stagey for us to take back our businesses. DID YOU HEAR THAT? If we wouldn't have come forward and challenged the SEC this would never have happened. They would have gone forward with accounting our money and charging whatever an hour and then returning pennies on the dollar to the non victims.
Where are we now, if there is going to be a Zeek 2.0 ..AND YES THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN....A formal letter will be sent out to all regulatory agency to put them on notice of our great and unique business model so that this doesn't happen again. Because we are cutting new ground no one understands just how powerful this business is.
Again we will need to hire a law firm, and yes we do have one in mind and NO I WILL NOT DISCLOSE IT TO YOU YET, they will do a recommendation they will give a formal opinion letter on what this unique business model is to all those agencies also they will stay retained to further guide us in all decisions and therefore before any negative allegation happen we will have high ground... this law firm and those that stepped forward will say how this business is going to be restructured and reworked. The old management will not be a part of this Zeek 2.0 at all. But the business model will be copied, with some changes and we will get paid to advertise again.
Also we are in contact with a media community that will be in place shortly with online forums and positive input moving forward so that all people can be in touch with what is happening. This way the masses can get answers. Now I have a question and a statement to all of you.....Do you realize that there have been a handful of people working day after day to get this done? and how many about 16, and how many affiliates are on this fb page. Do you think we are able to do it all?...Statement: We have done a great thing here....with little to no help. With allot of complaints. In the end if this helps those who still want a profitable home business and those that are counting on us to help them help their selves....then I will sleep.