re: - ZeekRewards
Сообщение от gromgor
Zhanna Ivanova, вы деньги на кредитку заказывали? Сейчас кредитки не работают. Я вчера выиграл аукцион,так даже оплатить с кредитки опции нет,а уж выплачивать точно не будут. Ждите, когда заработают кредитки.
И ещё,вы писали вроде,что обращались в техподдержку,но вам внятно не объяснили.... А не могли бы выложить дословно,что они вам ответили.
На английском языке:
I received a letter
Hi zhanna111,
Congratulations on winning the item, $150 Cash, at Zeekler
Below is the item and seller details for the item that you've just won.
Title: $150 Cash
Winning Bid Price: $1.93 USD
You can also access the information in the "Won Items" section of your Zeekler account after you login to.
Auction ID: 28252 24/04/12
It was written: Win Cash! Funds will be sent to the winner by SolidTrustPay or AlertPay.
But I only had a credit card. I wrote to display for this credit card. Now, what do I do?
you will find the submit ticket
On zeekler. com home page towrads the bottom under contact us
I wrote two times, but I did not answer
you will find the submit ticket
On zeekler. com home page towrads the bottom under contact us
To request a refund you will need to go to the homepage under contact us and submit a ticket requesting refund and explaining the issue
contact to inquire about all auction items.
because they handle all auction inquiries.
but you won in an auction correct?
i dont think that is possible.
the number to contact our home office?
888-927-9335. we are open between 8am-5pm est.
Home office is at Zeekler? that is correct.
Who can help me in this matter?
no if you write the ticket out it will have to be in english.
Where it can be seen. What do I do with it then?
once you write it you submit it and then they will respond to it.
when? How long to wait? It's been 5 days? Is this normal?
yes we have a very high ticket volume and we receive thousands a day. we do our best to make sure we get to each and reslove each issue.
I just have to wait?