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Старый 11.05.2007, 11:59
Возраст: 42
Адрес: Сочи
Регистрация: 17.12.2006
Сообщений: 163
Благодарностей: 24
Вчера на мой счет пришло вот такая выплата:

5/10/2007 19:18
Payment Received 80539514 Gold +0.005836 4396300 0.005836 oz 667.40
From: TB Victim Recovery Escrow Merchant Reference #: Autospend Data Sheet Set 8.xls: ROW: 924
Memo: Troy Bank Lawsuit, c/o [email protected], mjblaw@
судебное разбирательство возмещает убытки)))) как я понял... возместили около 25%

Последний раз редактировалось ster; 11.05.2007 в 12:16.
ster вне форума
Старый 12.05.2007, 01:01
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 29.01.2007
Сообщений: 635
Благодарностей: 83
Тоже подкинули деньжат. Порядка 25% оставленных там денег.
And691954 вне форума
Старый 17.05.2007, 12:28
Возраст: 42
Адрес: Сочи
Регистрация: 17.12.2006
Сообщений: 163
Благодарностей: 24
Сегодня пришло письмо от "Scott M. Hare" <[email protected]> -- о деталях выплаты денег инвесторам. Выплачивают 20% от чистого убытка. Причем письмо пришло не на тот адресс который указывался при регистрации в Troy bank а на мыло которое зарегистрировано в e-gold.

особенно порадовала вот такая строчка:
Нас наняли несколько обманутых инвесторов, чтобы представлять судебный процесс против Troy bank, мы могли стабилизировать и определить счета, держащиеся Troy bank'ом перед тем, как те фонды могли быть забраны и рассеяны.
Этот случай был представлен, как судебный процесс гражданского иска от имени всех тех инвесторов, кто подтвердил потерю. После слушания 23 апреля, 2007, суд одобрил предложенние распределения замороженных фондов - инвесторам.
Полагается, что вы входите в число инвесторов которые потеряли деньги, сумма вычислена, как сумма ваших депозитов минус полученные платежи. От полученной в результате суммы вы получаете 20% в качестве компенсации.
Мы уже выплатили активы, и вы должны получить свою компнсацию, (Вы должны проверить свой E-gold счет). В любом случае, пожалуйста контактируйте с нами по е-маил.

This Notice is being sent to all investors of Troy Bank who sustained a loss of some or all of their investments and/or other payments made to this Ponzi operation.

As you are probably already aware, Troy Bank defaulted on its promises and obligations to its investors and stopped making payments in February 2007. The website for this program went offline at about the same time. Initially, Troy Bank blamed its cessation of operations on “Estonian authorities” who were performing an “audit” or review of their operations. However, this almost certainly was not true and was likely nothing more than an excuse to buy time used by the operators to attempt to abscond with the funds paid by the investors.

We were hired by several of the defrauded investors to file a lawsuit against Troy Bank, and, thanks to this prompt action, we were able to stabilize and secure certain accounts held by Troy Bank before those funds could be withdrawn and dissipated.

This case was filed as a class action lawsuit on behalf of all those investors who had sustained a loss. After a hearing held on April 23, 2007, the court certified the class, entered final judgment against Troy Bank and its John Doe operators and approved the proposed distribution of recovered funds to the investors.

The class consists of approximately 3,800 investors, who collectively lost approximately $2.1 million to the operators of this illegal Ponzi scam.

You are considered to be a member of this class if you made payments or deposits to Troy Bank and sustained a loss, which is calculated as the sum of your deposits less any payments (i.e., interest payments and/or withdrawal of principal) received. Those who received more from Troy Bank than they put in (i.e., those who are “in profit”, and have not sustained a loss) are not a member of the class and will not participate in the distribution. All calculations concerning deposits, payments, losses and profits are based on the records procured by us through the course of this litigation and are based on actual documentation evidencing all of the transactions. Therefore, we will not require the members of the class to provide us with “proof” of deposits or losses.

Based on the total of the funds we recovered in the litigation, the distribution to each class member/victim will be approximately 20% of his/her net loss. In other words, if your net loss was $1000, you will receive approximately $200 in the distribution phase. This represents a substantial recovery on behalf of the class members, especially considering that Ponzi operators routinely escape with 100% of their investors’ funds.

We have already distributed the recovered assets, and you should have received your distribution. (You should check your e-gold account to verify.) The memo line on the deposit will reference the “Troy Bank Lawsuit”. If you did not receive a distribution, it is likely because your account has a “Spend Block” in place or does not accept payment from US account holders. In either case, please contact us by reply email.

Congratulations to all concerned regarding this prompt and successful recovery.

Michael J. Bruzzese
The Bank Tower, Suite 1008
307 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Scott Michael Hare
Bartony & Hare, LLP
The Frick Building - Suite 1806
437 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Tel: 412-338-8632
Fax: 412-338-6611

This communication and accompanying document(s) or files are CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVILEGED and intended for sole use by addressee. If received in error, disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of action relative thereto is prohibited. Inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive attorney-client privilege as to this communication or otherwise. If received in error, please delete the communication and contact me at the phone number above. Thank you kindly.
ster вне форума
Старый 18.05.2007, 06:19
Регистрация: 29.11.2006
Сообщений: 160
Благодарностей: 20
Да, мне тоже пришло такое письмо (почему-то дважды подряд) и на прошлой неделе был платеж в унциях золота, в пересчетев USD составлявший где-то около четвери от вклада. Все-равно приятно!
Downkey вне форума
Старый 19.05.2007, 11:27
Возраст: 46
Адрес: Калининград
Регистрация: 01.05.2007
Сообщений: 15
Благодарностей: 0
Дорогие товарищи! А нельзя ли попытаться связаться с данной организацией , в просьбе помоч кинутым в АКВАМАРИНЕ ,там побольше денег народ потерял.Думаю за помощ знающему человеку можно и вознагрождение неплохое собрать .Откликнетесь пожалусто бывалые и знающие.
Заработал сам, подскажи другим как разбогатеть-не напрягая горб.:scooter:
tata-vas вне форума
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