Re: Aloverax -
1/31/2010 13:43 28209557 U3724467 (Aloverax) + $17.50
Только что от админа пришло письмо - Что на них сильная атака,но они продолжают работать и все исправят.Будем надеяться!!!
добавлено через 3 минуты
Привожу письмо,которое недавно получил...
[email protected] кому: мне
Показать подробные сведения 1:12 (22 мин. назад)
Dear investors and partners!
Our site was under DDOS attack and as a result off-line for couple of days. Now we work in a normal manner and managed to
fix the problem. In fact the DDOS attack is still in place but we are working!
So now we are confident in our partners that provide our anti-DDOS support.
Sorry for any inconveniences this might cause to you and thank you for your kind words of support that we have received during the attack.
We do hope now that such troubles will not bother you and us any more!