Re: Панама FOREX -
От кого:
[email protected]
Кому: ******************
Дата: 30 Янв 2010 16:43:09
Тема: Important News
Dear friends.
We together with you have worked more than 3 months. has proved exclusively from a positive side!
We have shown in this time our stability, uniqueness of our group of traders.
We have finished the advertising-presentation period, we begin serious work.
Panama Forex is adjusted on stability in this connection we stabilize project work:
- Have brought to perfection a technological level of protection of the data.
- Have increased the minimum withdraw to $50, we are adjusted to work with large investors whom in our project it is a lot of, increase of minimum sum of a withdraw will give the chance to concentrate even more on increase in the income of our investors.
- Have raised the commission to 3 %
- Referral program remained former - 6 %
- The minimum sum of deposit - 20$
- We have insured our business in the Panama bank "Banistmo" that raises a level of assurance for our investors. (The sum of insurance repayment of $5,000,000)
- At present with bank "Banistmo" negotiations are carried on for maintenance of our investors with plastic cards Visa for simplification of financial transactions.
- For the VIP of investors, with the sum of the deposit over $10,000, individual conditions, after interview with administration of Panama Forex are opened.
To address on an e-mail
[email protected]
We wish you successes in 2010.
We pay your attention that only long cooperation with us will provide to you financial independence.
We suggest you to inform uniqueness of the offer of to each person in your city, in your country.
We pay your attention that it is necessary for you to be active on all the Internet platforms and Internet resources.