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The amount of 1.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U11786330->U1651590. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Incredible from pacific-holding.biz.. Date: 23:56 11.04.16. Batch: 127871023.
12.04.16 10:46;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U11786330 to account U1294989. Batch: 127930966. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to allhyips from pacific-holding.biz.
The amount of 2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account.
Accounts: U11786330->U1896276.
Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to hyipdollar from pacific-holding.biz..
Date: 12:59 12.04.16.
Batch: 127952039.
Date: 04/12/2016 13:21
Batch: 127955363
From: U11786330
To: U1426715
Amount: 4.00
Currency: USD
Memo: Received Payment 4.00 USD from account U11786330. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to monhyip from pacific-holding.biz.