Re: ADbrook -
Вот сегодняшний пост из Ветка
NO panic!
Please read!
The reason some people have issues with withdrawals is very simple. Admin has already announced that 2 processors are low on funds.My guess its STP and PM . If you know anything about how transferring money work you would know that there is a daily limit for transferring funds. Admin is transferring money to STP and PM daily but there is limit of how much he is allowed to transfer per transaction and per day. As a result some payments go into pending and some are paid instantly and if your payment is pending you have to wait for admin to pay. It does not mean AB is done and dead and it does not mean that you need to panic . Its just a transformation. You need to adjust to changes. Nothing stands still . Things always move and change and we go with a flow and do our best. Thats life.
Смысл в том, что STP и PM платежные системы имеют дневные лимиты обращения денежных средств, которые значительно меньше суммы транзакций админа по этим плат.системам. Проблему решают. В другом посте пишут, что админ просил неделю на исправление ситуации. Паника вредит нашему делу
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Сообщение от dzmitry
У вас инстанты, а у меня 2 подряд выплаты пропали!
Пропали, или в ожидании выплаты? Какая платежная система?
Есть смысл подождать. Ведь у меня же идут инстанты (тьфу-тьфу