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Старый 17.06.2009, 15:54
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Получена очередная выплата:

Date: June, 17 2009 7:48:25 AM
Amount Sent: $1.42 USD
Sender Name: Thomas McPherson
Sender Email: [email protected]
Reference Number: ABBFF-BEF92-DFA8F,
Message: TDD Earnings. Do not forget to vote in our monitors and post in our forum threads.
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 19.06.2009, 11:16
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Выплата и возврат депозита:

Date: June, 19 2009 1:49:13 AM
Amount Sent: $1.16 USD
Sender Name: Thomas McPherson
Sender Email: [email protected]
Reference Number: 4FA79-BEE6F-74C54,
Message: TDD Earnings. Do not forget to vote in our monitors and post in our forum threads.

Date: June, 19 2009 1:48:23 AM
Amount Sent: $4.97 USD
Sender Name: Thomas McPherson
Sender Email: [email protected]
Reference Number: 2C8D5-FC14A-7C895,
Message: TDD Principal Back. Do not forget to vote in our monitors and post in our forum threads.
Не забываем, что есть еще одна неплохая возможность ежедневного заработка: клики по баннерам (3 и 5 центов); в день у меня выходит до 18 центов в платежке AP.
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 20.06.2009, 15:27
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Возврат депозита:

Date: June, 20 2009 1:40:07 AM
Amount Sent: $4.87 USD
Sender Name: Thomas McPherson
Sender Email: [email protected]
Reference Number: F0846-0FF87-99E15,
Message: TDD Principal Back. Do not forget to vote in our monitors
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 23.06.2009, 13:42
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Ответ: TheDollarDiggers -

Пендинг двое суток...
В своем последнем обновлении (позавчера) админ писал о своей лихорадке (простуде?) и просил день или 2 для восстановления сил.
Уже прошло больше 2-х дней... Очень жаль, если такой многообещающий проект так быстро соскамится...

добавлено через 1 час 42 минуты
Спасибо добрым людям на форуме MMG - запостили письмо от админа:
Hello everyone.

I missed you all and I missed sending my newsletter nightly. But my condition is not
allowing me to go in front of my computer and do what I am doing daily before. Last
Saturday night I had a minor heart attack and our family doctor forced me to have a full
bed rest or as he said I will not make it the second time around if I will continue drown
myself of overwork. Guess what? I do not want to die yet. We still have a lot of plans for
TDD. So I have to cooperate.

I am sorry if I chose to tell you the last time I sent a newsletter asking for a day or 2
days off that I just have a fever. That was actually earned me a spanking from my wife
when she found out I did open my computer and sent that newsletter myself of which I was
not allowed.

This one is dictated and sent to Addie to pass to you all.

Now what is the main purpose of this letter?

I just want to let you all know that in 2-3 days a very important announcement will be
send and a conference call will be set up. But I am not the one to be there but my co
-admin. Yes I persuaded her to take the seat first while I am not yet able to go online.
She is the brain and battle planner behind TDD but not really into managing a program and
chose to be a simple member supporting TDD.

Also, I asked Addie not to send out payouts first. So to those who have pending
withdrawals, please be patient. A detailed explanation will be discussed in the conference
call. It will be rounds because we know not all members of TDD are in the same place and
same time.

We will send the number for you all to dial and the schedule so you can choose the best
time that will fit in your timezone.

I hope that this email will ease some doubts and members will not go in panic mode. TDD
will not go anywhere. We are doing great with our TDD Iggly Biggly Teambuild with 9
members already given their 2 paid members and the 4th member to cycle the 1st matrix.

Our 3SC also did well because another 2 members take advantage of my offer for Digger 3
Stage Cycler Plan which is buy 50 positions for $65 and get 1 paid position in the

I want to say thank you to Addie for taking care of everything while I am not around.

Soon my co- admin will be available too to give you all support.

Thank you to all those who wished me to get well soon. I appreciate them and to all who
are supporting TDD while I am not around. All your hard work will be compensated.

Talk to all of you soon.

Best regards,
Thomas, TDD Administrator
Очень коротко:
- админ болен (сердечный приступ) и не имеет возможности подойти к компьютеру;
- через 2-3 дня состоится телефонная конференция, на которой будет сделано важное объявление;
- выплаты пока заморожены, детали будут обсуждаться на конференции;
- номер телефона для общения на конференции будет выслан всем участникам проекта;
- общаться будем с со-админом проекта Addie, которого (которую) Thomas собирается наделить бОльшими полномочиями, чем до сих пор у него (нее) были;
- и просьба не впадать в панику: пока создатель проекта жив (а он умирать не имеет желания!), мы еще повоюем...

Последний раз редактировалось Da Gama; 23.06.2009 в 15:25. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 24.06.2009, 15:12
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Ответ: TheDollarDiggers -

Сегодня получил письмо от со-админа проекта с деталями завтрашней телефонной конференции.
Естественно, я звонить не буду, но наверняка таковые найдутся с забугорных форумов, так что завтра можно ждать каких-то результатов, которые, надеюсь, выложат на форумах...
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 27.06.2009, 17:35
Топ Мастер
Имя: Игорь
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 64
Адрес: все еще Донецк, пока еще Украина
Инвестирую в: HYIP
Регистрация: 25.09.2007
Сообщений: 9,154
Благодарностей: 1,789

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Новости от админа:

TDD members, this is Ej, the co admin of TDD.

I want to inform you all of what will happen with TDD in coming days. This are actually the conclusion of the conference held yesterday. I will go direct to the point as i hate beating around the bush. I still have a lot of work to do.

First, TDD will not close down and we will not go anywhere. We do not have any plans to open new program as well just to support TDD.

Second, the reason why we stopped paying is not because we will run with your money and just buying time to transfer funds from TDD accounts to our personal accounts like what one blog said. The real reason is the funds TDD have as of now is not enough to pay all members of TDD who have pending withdrawals and members who will have expired upgrades for the coming days. And we do not want to just pay portion of members and not the last
members to request withdrawals.

Why we reached this stage?

Because of a mistake i made. I am the one handling plans for TDD and it was a huge mistake for us to add the 12x12 Classic Plan. I thought that it will be warmly welcomed by members because it was the most popular plan in the Autosurf industry. However for the 10 days it was offered, only about 2-3% of the total members TDD have bought Adpacks in the 12x12 Plan. So this had a huge impact and affected even the profits we made from the 3 Stage
Cycler which was allocated for giving out freebies for members and for ushing the 3SC when there are slow times. That is why i am now doing my best to make things right.

So what will happen to TDD?

TDD will stop all the Autosurf/HYIP Plans we are offering except of the Digger 3 Stage Cycler Plan. In the coming days we will revamp TDD and we will shift into a revenue sharing program with the concept adopted from the well known Ad-ventures4u and Payitforwardtraffic. 3 Stage Cycler and the Teambuild for Iggly Biggly will remain as in. They will be added still as additional features of TDD and source of income for TDD members.

What about the pending payments?

Please be advised that TDD have a NO REFUND POLICY and you purchased an Adpack. Each Adpack gives you 200 Ad credits to be used for advertising your programs with us and these Ad credits were AUTOMATICALLY added in your accounts upon payment. You also agreed that ALL transactions are FINAL and NO REFUND will be given at ANYTIME. So we will stick with
that rule.

Accounts of the Digger/Upgraded members will be transferred into the new TDD script for Revenue Sharing. Those who have pending withdrawals, the amount you have in pending will be the amount you will start with the new TDD. This only applies for upgrades you have in the Surf and Non surf Plans. Also if you are thinking of your Digger/Upgraded referrals, we will add them under you in the new TDD so you will not lose them.

Now Digger/Upgraded members who will not cooperate and does not want to move on with TDD into the new TDD, we have no choice but to implement the rule mentioned above. It will be an ALL IN or ALL OUT.

Watcher/Free members of TDD will be given an option to join the new TDD or not. If you still want to be with us, then all you have to do is to sign up with the new TDD.

This changes will be started as soon as possible. We have already acquired a script to be used in the new TDD and we will make all the necessary tweaking and changes to make all things said above achieved. We will try to incorporate the 3SC and Teambuild of Iggly Biggly into the script as well so members of all the features of TDD will have to sign in with only one account. Updates will be given everytime we made an improvement.

You can send me your reactions to the following emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]

You can talk to me in Skype, just add me, Or you can call me directly in this number:
1-858-769-5328 ext 110

Please wait at least 30 seconds for the call to go through.

I guess i have everything covered but questions are still welcome.

Коротко о главном:
- проект TDD не закрывается;
- остановка выплат связана с недостатком денег в проекте из-за ошибочного введения серф-плана 12х12;
- проект прекращает все свои Autosurf/HYIP планы, оставляя только циклер (Digger 3 Stage Cycler Plan);
- в ближайшие дни проект реформируется в так называемую "revenue sharing" программу наподобие всем известных успешных проектов Ad-ventures4u и Payitforwardtraffic;
- циклеры 3 Stage Cycler и Teambuild for Iggly Biggly останутся в проекте;
- выплаты в пендинге, увы, выплачены не будут - авторы проекта решили придерживаться политики NO REFUND, однако, деньги не пропадут - в новый проект TDD уже как "revenue sharing program" автоматически перейдут вклады и "висяки" старого проекта;
- рефералы старого проекта также автоматически перейдут в новый;
- изменения будут внесены насколько это возможно быстро;
- желающие обсудить данную тему могут написать по указанным адресам или позвонить по указанному номеру.

Последний раз редактировалось Da Gama; 27.06.2009 в 17:37.
Da Gama вне форума
Старый 12.07.2009, 14:38
Топ Мастер
Пол: Мужской
Регистрация: 20.07.2007
Сообщений: 33,193
Благодарностей: 12,157

награды Волшебный горшочек Продавец фантиков Ветеран MMGP.RU 
Ответ: TheDollarDiggers -

на сколько я понял проблемы затянулись....

переношу в проблемные если работа восстановится стучите в личку
emerald вне форума
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