Ответ: TheDollarDiggers - www.TheDollarDiggers.com
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В своем последнем обновлении (позавчера) админ писал о своей лихорадке (простуде?) и просил день или 2 для восстановления сил.
Уже прошло больше 2-х дней... Очень жаль, если такой многообещающий проект так быстро соскамится...
добавлено через 1 час 42 минуты
Спасибо добрым людям на форуме
MMG - запостили письмо от админа:
Hello everyone.
I missed you all and I missed sending my newsletter nightly. But my condition is not
allowing me to go in front of my computer and do what I am doing daily before. Last
Saturday night I had a minor heart attack and our family doctor forced me to have a full
bed rest or as he said I will not make it the second time around if I will continue drown
myself of overwork. Guess what? I do not want to die yet. We still have a lot of plans for
TDD. So I have to cooperate.
I am sorry if I chose to tell you the last time I sent a newsletter asking for a day or 2
days off that I just have a fever. That was actually earned me a spanking from my wife
when she found out I did open my computer and sent that newsletter myself of which I was
not allowed.
This one is dictated and sent to Addie to pass to you all.
Now what is the main purpose of this letter?
I just want to let you all know that in 2-3 days a very important announcement will be
send and a conference call will be set up. But I am not the one to be there but my co
-admin. Yes I persuaded her to take the seat first while I am not yet able to go online.
She is the brain and battle planner behind TDD but not really into managing a program and
chose to be a simple member supporting TDD.
Also, I asked Addie not to send out payouts first. So to those who have pending
withdrawals, please be patient. A detailed explanation will be discussed in the conference
call. It will be rounds because we know not all members of TDD are in the same place and
same time.
We will send the number for you all to dial and the schedule so you can choose the best
time that will fit in your timezone.
I hope that this email will ease some doubts and members will not go in panic mode. TDD
will not go anywhere. We are doing great with our TDD Iggly Biggly Teambuild with 9
members already given their 2 paid members and the 4th member to cycle the 1st matrix.
Our 3SC also did well because another 2 members take advantage of my offer for Digger 3
Stage Cycler Plan which is buy 50 positions for $65 and get 1 paid position in the
I want to say thank you to Addie for taking care of everything while I am not around.
Soon my co- admin will be available too to give you all support.
Thank you to all those who wished me to get well soon. I appreciate them and to all who
are supporting TDD while I am not around. All your hard work will be compensated.
Talk to all of you soon.
Best regards,
Thomas, TDD Administrator
Очень коротко:
- админ болен (сердечный приступ) и не имеет возможности подойти к компьютеру;
- через 2-3 дня состоится телефонная конференция, на которой будет сделано важное объявление;
- выплаты пока заморожены, детали будут обсуждаться на конференции;
- номер телефона для общения на конференции будет выслан всем участникам проекта;
- общаться будем с со-админом проекта
Addie, которого (которую)
Thomas собирается наделить бОльшими полномочиями, чем до сих пор у него (нее) были;
- и просьба не впадать в панику: пока создатель проекта жив (а он умирать не имеет желания!), мы еще повоюем...