Сообщение от mmaf
очередное кидалово
Эка вы критично!
First of all i'd like to thank you for your patience. As i've said before i have placed some exchange orders and i'm waiting for them to be completed since 8 days ago already. As soon as i'll get the funds all payments will be done. Also please remember that the payment term on the site is up to 5 days. Another issue is that some members seemed to can't login due to incorrect turing messege. If that happen please empty your cache and change your browser. It should work ok after that. This only happen to few members and i don't know why because site it's working ok for all the other members.
Thanks again for your support.
Джетро ожидает завершения обменов, котрые заказал еще 8 дней назад.
И напоминает, что по правилам выплаты производятся в течение 5 дней. Как только он получит средства, все выплаты будут произведены.
Если испытываете трудности со входом из-за turing номера - почистите кэш (или попробуйте через другой браузер)