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Старый 21.03.2013, 15:19
Имя: Андрей
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 43
Адрес: Украина
Инвестирую в: Другое
Регистрация: 15.09.2008
Сообщений: 4,747
Благодарностей: 5,750

награды Ветеран MMGP.RU Волшебный горшочек 
Внимание Мошенники выдают себя за представителей администрации MMGP.RU / Fraud

Вниманию рекламодателей!

В последнее время стали поступать сообщения от наших рекламодателей о предложениях разместить рекламу якобы от рекламного отдела нашего форума, рассылаемые с почты [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] и т.п. - это мошенники!

Примеры писем:
Hello admin,


Forum MMGP.RU is one of the most popular community on earnings and investment in the Internet. As you well know, russian investors pump up big sums of money in hyips. Our advertisers get over 2-3.000$ investments after a month with us.

Monthly attendance
6,000,000 hits, 450.000 visits, 220.000 unique visitors

Daily attendance
220.000 hits, 16.000 visits, 14,000 unique visitors

Size Forum
3,082,567 posts / 4000-5000 new posts a day and 125.000 - 130,000 new posts a month
150.952 user / 150-200 registrations a day and 3800-4200 logged users per day

We are offering you 3 advertising options:
1. Advertising platform - "Banner 728x90"
2. Advertising platform - "Banner 120x600"
3. Advertising platform - "Banner 468x60"

$ 130 per month for a banner 728x90 (at least 100,000 hits per month to each slot in the rotation *)
$ 100 per month for a banner 120x600 (minimum of 100,000 impressions per month for each slot in the rotation)
$ 70 per month for a banner 120x600 (minimum of 100,000 impressions per month for each slot in the rotation)

3. Sticky Thread in HYIP Section:
$ 70 for 1 month
$ 120 for 2 months
$ 170 for 3 months

Based on what we have told us in this mail, would you be interested in advertising with one of the most popular online investment forums from worldwide and Russia?

Best regards,

User Additional Info :
User Name : Vlad Kazinsky
E-Mail : [email protected]
IP Address:
From: MMGP.ru Forum <[email protected]>
Subject: Advertising on MMGP.ru

Hello HYIP admin,

Forum MMGP.RU is one of the most popular community on earnings and investment in the Internet. As you well know, russian investors pump up big sums of money in hyips. Our advertisers get over 3-4.000$ investments after a month with us.

Monthly attendance
6,000,000 hits, 450.000 visits, 220.000 unique visitors

Daily attendance
220.000 hits, 16.000 visits, 14,000 unique visitors

Size Forum
3,082,567 posts / 4000-5000 new posts a day and 125.000 - 130,000 new posts a month
150.952 user / 150-200 registrations a day and 3800-4200 logged users per day

We are offering you 3 advertising options:
1. Advertising platform - "Banner 728x90"
2. Advertising platform - "Banner 120x600"
3. Advertising platform - "Banner 468x60"

$ 100 per month for a banner 728x90 (at least 100,000 hits per month to each slot in the rotation *)
$ 100 per month for a banner 120x600 (minimum of 100,000 impressions per month for each slot in the rotation)

3. Sticky Thread in HYIP Section:
$ 75 for 1 month
$ 120 for 2 months
$ 170 for 3 months

We accept STP, LR and PM:
LR: U2858779
PM: U4910126
STP: mmgpru
When you send a payment do not forget to write in the memo, for example: banner(1month) + yourhyipname.com

Based on what we have told us in this mail, would you be interested in advertising with one of the most popular online investment forums from worldwide and Russia?
Hello admin,


Forum MMGP.RU is one of the most popular community on earnings and investment in the Internet. As you well know, russian investors pump up big sums of money in hyips. Our advertisers get over 2-3.000$ investments after a month with us.

Monthly attendance
6,000,000 hits, 450.000 visits, 220.000 unique visitors

Daily attendance
220.000 hits, 16.000 visits, 14,000 unique visitors

Size Forum
3,082,567 posts / 4000-5000 new posts a day and 125.000 - 130,000 new posts a month
150.952 user / 150-200 registrations a day and 3800-4200 logged users per day

We are offering you 3 advertising options:
1. Advertising platform - "Banner 728x90"
2. Advertising platform - "Banner 120x600"
3. Advertising platform - "Banner 468x60"

$ 130 per month for a banner 728x90 (at least 100,000 hits per month to each slot in the rotation *)
$ 100 per month for a banner 120x600 (minimum of 100,000 impressions per month for each slot in the rotation)

3. Sticky Thread in HYIP Section:
$ 70 for 1 month
$ 120 for 2 months
$ 170 for 3 months

Based on what we have told us in this mail, would you be interested in advertising with one of the most popular online investment forums from worldwide and Russia?
пользователь MMGP.ru Forum <[email protected]> написал:

Хелло сэр,
Мы предлагаем Вам принимать баннер 728х90 на один месяц. Мы дадим вам 25 долларов скидка на рекламу уже с нами. Это лучший вариант для вашей программы. Имеем ли мы дело?
Name: Vlad Kazinsky
Email: [email protected]
IP Address:,

Другие контакты мошенника: Vlad Kazinsky, Skype: mmgpru, тел.: 40733917119

Хочу еще раз обратить внимание рекламодателей на тот факт, что вся переписка касательно вопросов рекламы ведется только через почту adv @ mmgp.ru (другие почтовые адреса, Skype и прочие мессенджеры для обсуждения вопросов рекламы не используются!).

Остерегайтесь также подмены адреса отправителя в получаемых новых письмах. Самый безопасный вариант - это самостоятельно написать на adv @ mmgp.ru и уточнить актуальность информации, полученной в сомнительном письме.

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Последний раз редактировалось Sapiens; 23.11.2014 в 17:46.
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